From Dave Cook, National Veterans Employment Instructor and - TopicsExpress


From Dave Cook, National Veterans Employment Instructor and Advocate For several years now I have traveled the country helping veterans learn how to increase their reward and reduce their risk to get hired. I traveled the country because Michigans politicians have done little to nothing to help our vets. We rank 11th in the number of vets in the nation and 46th in what we spend on them. I was introduced to Art Kale around New Years of last year. In our introduction, he was fascinated by how I have been working with Texas College Credit for Heroes program at Tarrant County College through R.k. Kelly. I explained to Art that so many of the leaders in Veteran Programs around the country are Michiganders, who like me, in order to have an impact had to leave the state to help our vets. Our vets go through a separation program where they get about 8 hours of training in how to collect unemployment and only about 45 minutes to an hour in how to use the DD214 (honorable discharge paperwork) to get heath care, GI Bill education benefits, VA Loans and other benefits that they have earned. They earned these benefits by serving! Some of them endured combat where they had to be willing to trade all their tomorrows so that you and I could have one more day of freedom. Our veterans are also being advised to deny military service and especially to deny any combat experience because of the public perceptions of PTST. I have a litany of reasons like these which serve as a foundation for why I work with our veterans. I have a very successful strategy in helping them find results. I have met with representatives at every level of Michigan government and been so disappointed in what can only be described as a myopic view of veterans employment stuck in a long dead 1980s model of finding jobs. When I met with Art over the past 7 months and advised and strategically planned with the other members of his veterans advisory panel, it was not just for a single meeting, but for several meetings and in several venues. I saw someone very different in Art and his passion to help veterans. I saw someone that was not going to take this any more. Art got angry. I know Art is different from other politicians. Art has already taken actions to put our plans in place. I have already had several planning meetings to help plan the implementation and execution of his Plans not Broken Promises. If you are a veteran living in Michigan, Art is your man! I have never felt so driven to endorse a candidate! Just imagine Michigan with its own College Credit for Heroes Program with a quantified employment component! Its time to fix this Michigan! I ask that you vote for Art Kale for State Representative on April 5. Please trust me when I say that Art Kale is the most important candidate running for State Representative in any race in the state. He truly has earned my support.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 18:42:27 +0000

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