From Dawn Shugart: Bob Watts, Ive always had an overwhelming - TopicsExpress


From Dawn Shugart: Bob Watts, Ive always had an overwhelming sense of pride to be born an American. War is ugly but I am proud my Dad and former Father-in-law told me what they went through in WWII. It changed both of them forever in ways Ill never understand but God Bless them for standing up and being a man. I was in awe of their bravery. Now I wonder how we have basically hired someone to completely bring down the nation and turn us into a joke. I know what the rules are to even run for the presidency here and our president doesnt meet those guidelines. I see why our forefathers put those rules in place. If a person isnt born here then is there a chance their alliance is with another nation or faction. Hughes is right. We dont really need to police the world, but our history is to aid those in need and who are being overrun by tyrants. Our leader is too busy playing and abusing the power and money that goes with the job. Why are we sitting on the sidelines watching this atrocity? March 19 at 5:15am · Like Beautifully stated Dawn. If Americans want change in our government we have a great weapon on our side to effect that change. By all means use that weapon every time you get a chance. It is called the Ballot Box. The Ballot Box can easily solve the root of our problems - get rid of the greedy, gutless, self-centered politicians. We have to get the people to understand the power of the ballot box and get out and use it - Get out and vote. Lets put this another way - a way that everyone can understand. Have them think of a long line of American citizens and explain to them that in the Federal and State elections during the past 10 years the person on their left and the person on their right did not vote. When only one out of three registered voters actually comes out to vote for the candidate of their choice we wind up with the type of politicians in office that we have today. There are some state elections where less that 20 percent actually vote. Ask people what they did instead of voting on last election day. You will hear different excuses - had to work late, was under the weather, had to go to the football game, had to go fishing, had to baby sit, great football game on T.V., had to go shopping, that was my golf day, just to busy, b.s., b.s., b.s. You will hear a thousand reasons why someone did not vote. I like to watch their face when I am talking to them and ask them if they voted or when I tell them I looked at the registration sheets from the election and noticed they did not vote. Then they tell me they did not vote because of so and so reason and I say to them that they gave up their right to complain about the actions of the politicians when they were too lazy to get out and vote. I tell them if I hear them complaining about political based problems (bad economy, no jobs, loose immigration enforcement, to many taxes, impact of Obamacare, minimum wage is to low, need more money, need better job security, etc.) that its their fault because they were too lazy to get out and vote in the last election. Because that is exactly what it was - to lazy to care.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 09:15:53 +0000

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