From Diana Waring re: Baby Teddy and their travels to see him in - TopicsExpress


From Diana Waring re: Baby Teddy and their travels to see him in Seattle: Up early this morning. . . I want to share with you all a story from our travel on Saturday that encouraged our hearts so much--one of Gods loving kindness. When we checked in for our flight at 4:30 a.m. in Indianapolis, the ticket agent looked at our itinerary and said, Oh, no, this is impossible. You can NOT travel from the U.S. to Canada back to the U.S. in this fashion. There are international laws governing this. I was stunned. The precious friend who had provided us with air miles on Air Canada had not been told of this law, and the person actually making the reservations did not realize that it would not work. Our ticket agent made a call to verify that what he had said to us was correct. When he returned, he explained that, though we could not use our ticket from Vancouver to Seattle on the flight we were booked for, we could catch a much later flight, arriving sometime in the evening. With tears in my eyes, I explained the situation with my grandson, and he said there was nothing he could do. . . We would need to check in with Air Canada once we arrived in Vancouver, to rebook. Sitting in the gate area, waiting for our first flight, I thought of emailing three friends in the Pacific Northwest: Terry in Vancouver, Becky in Bellingham (just south of Canadian border), and Joelle (south of Bellingham). I asked these three friends, unknown to each other, if they could possibly arrange someone to pick us up at the Vancouver airport, drive us across the border, and take us either to a rental car or drive us to Seattle. And then, we boarded a plane to Toronto, and another one to Vancouver, having no idea of any one was even home or would be able to help us. Other than praying for Teddy and asking The Lord to help us get to the hospital quickly, I felt completely helpless. There was nothing that I could figure out that would get us where we needed to be as fast as we needed to be there. . . When we arrived in Vancouver, as we were walking to baggage claim, I called my dear friend, Becky. She had not seen my email yet, she had not heard about Teddy, and she quickly got online to see if either of the other two friends had been able to sort out travel for us. Terry was unavailable at that point, and, though Joelle had a car for us to use, she was not able to come up to get us in Canada. Suddenly, Becky asked, Diana, did you say you are at VANCOUVER airport??? When I assured her that we were, she said, Diana, Todd just landed there a few minutes ago!! I will call him!! Todd, Beckys husband, and our dear friend, had had a difficult day. Flying home from Ontario, Canada, his first flight had been delayed, causing him to miss his second flight. When he finally arrived in Vancouver, several pieces of his baggage were missing, causing him to spend 45 minutes in baggage claim sorting out what to do. It was because all of these difficulties had occurred that he was, just then, driving away from Vancouver airport. When Becky called him, he simply turned back into the airport road, and came to pick us up! Our dear friend, Terry, had warned us by email that on a holiday weekend, crossing the border could take as long as 3 hours. But, at the moment we crossed with Todd, it was only 35 minutes. Todd then drove us straight down the freeway, to the exit where our friend, Joelle, waited with a loaner car for us. We hugged everyone good bye, and continued straight down the freeway to Seattle. Dear ones, we arrived at Seattle Childrens Hospital at least 30 - 45 minutes EARLIER than we would have arrived if we had caught our original flight. More importantly, the incredible kindness of God was so evident in this circumstance, that our hearts were once again reminded that He does, indeed, love us. Okay. Off to the hospital. . . Much love. Note from Gena - please continue to pray, pray, pray! ALSO - there are many expenses involved for the Warings and I would ask that you consider heading over to her website today and making a purchase. She produces some of the best history and music history curriculum for homeschoolers, but its excellent for non-homeschoolers, too. If you know anyone who loves history, buy Diana Warings publications for them. Buy it all up - she has a fulfillment house she uses and this will not interfere with her visit to Seattle. If the Lord so leads...if you want to do something beyond prayer for this family - shop here: dianawaring. ENCOURAGE her please as she has spent decades encouraging and lifting up the homeschool community.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 16:05:00 +0000

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