From Dr David Pascoe YOU WILL NEVER READ THIS IN THE CORPORATE MEDIA – SO THE CITIZENS MEDIA WILL NEED TO TELL YOU INSTEAD. Everyone, We’ve heard some extraordinary things during past the four years we have been investigating what has happened to our country. We think this single YouTube video suddenly clarifies the absolute sell-off of our country and our rights as its citizens into the hands of big international corporations. This refers specifically to the Trans Pacific Deal with America which has been done in complete secrecy – exactly the same as the Free Trade Agreement that the Abbott Government is now entering into with China. This has only happened because of weak governments and pathetically weak leaders bowing to the might of the corporate dollar just to make sure they can stay elected in power. We believe that this YouTube video which was sent to us by one of our sources is absolutely required viewing for each and every one of you. The Trans Pacific Partnership – which has hardly been mentioned to our citizens - is really all about corporations interfering with sovereign law – that is, interfering with the very running of our nation. It has been kept a secret from the American people – exactly the same as it has been kept a secret from own Australian people/ What is revealed on this video came out partially through Wikileaks and the work of Julian Assange and his supporters. If there is ever a reason to get rid of political parties, this would have to be it, because they are simply being bought and sold at the whims of international corporations. If you thought you were already angry about what is happening to us – trust me, you don’t know half of it. I would ask everyone to sit down and watch this video. In fact, every family also needs to watch this, because this will determine what happens to your children. Once you have done that, please share it - and share it with every single Australian you know. The game is finally up for our current crop of Governments and their Big Corporate backers, because the people are waking up right across the nation - and they will no longer be treated as stupid. The people need to take their power back - and own their country again. Regards David.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:02:19 +0000

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