From Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Congratulations to my dear friend, Mira - TopicsExpress


From Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Congratulations to my dear friend, Mira Kelley, on the launch of her new book, Beyond Past Lives: What Parallel Realities Can Teach Us about Relationships, Healing, and Transformation ((tinyurl/p4j2qn7). I was honored to write the foreword to her book, and would like to share a piece of it here with all of you. Several years ago I wrote a book titled 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace. The very first principle is “Have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing,” and I cannot emphasize enough how important this has been in my own life. I have long believed that being open causes miraculous occurrences to become the norm. The benevolent forces of the universe begin to come to our aid, and Divine synchronicity “moves the pieces around,” showing the ego who’s really in charge. My wife and I always raised our children to have open minds as well, and we encouraged discussion on any number of topics, including reincarnation and past-life recollections. However, although I had read Many Lives, Many Masters by my good friend Dr. Brian Weiss and shared stages with him all over the world, I seldom had any firsthand experience with past-life regression. Then I met Mira Kelley. Mira, who had worked with Dr. Weiss, contacted me a few years ago with the invitation to participate in a regression with her. She said that she intuitively felt I would benefit from the session, and wanted nothing from me other than to offer me this opportunity. I was so intrigued by her heartfelt letter that I decided to take her up on her offer. Some time passed after I met Mira, during which we had several more conversations. Finally, she came out to see me in Maui for the regression. I had no expectations for our session, but within an hour of her arrival, I entered into one of the most riveting experiences of hypnotic time traveling imaginable. Mira recorded the entire session and transcribed every word, some of which I reproduced in my book Wishes Fulfilled (and Mira touches on here in Beyond Past Lives). While I had almost no memory of precisely what I said during our session, the visual images were crystal clear. I am still very intrigued by all that transpired while I was in that semihypnotic state with Mira—and by all of the synchronistic occurrences that followed after meeting her. It was just another example of what happens when we keep a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing. As one of my favorite quotes by Mark Twain reminds us, “It ain’t so much the things we don’t know that get us into trouble. It’s the things we know that just ain’t so.” I know you will enjoy this book and the insights Mira presents herein as much as I have. — I AM, Wayne W. Dyer
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 18:17:03 +0000

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