From Driftglass,sage observation about the likes of David Frum and - TopicsExpress


From Driftglass,sage observation about the likes of David Frum and Andrew Sullivan,who now "appear" to repent of aiding the Rethuglicans on their jaunt to Nihilism: 1.No matter how bad things get, no Conservative will admit to the simple fact that the GOP is performing exactly as they designed and built it to perform. 2.No matter how bad things get, Professional Beltway "Both Siderists" will continue to opine furiously about the intransigence of "both sides" and how "Washington" is broken. 3.No matter how patently ludicrous Professional Beltway "Both Siderists" claims become, not one of them will suffer any reduction in professional status due to their non-stop lying. In fact, the most intractable of the Denialists will find their prospects considerably enhanced during whatever brief respite we have between this round of GOP sabotage and the next. 4.Most especially, at no point during the upcoming wingnut mole-rat bad-whiskey bar-fight will anyone like Andrew Sullivan or David Frum or anyone else within shouting distance of a network microphone or national op-ed column bother to point out that, once again, the Left was right about the Right all along.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 19:09:23 +0000

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