From: Duncan Meisel - To: Kate Nikolenko Subject: A - TopicsExpress


From: Duncan Meisel - To: Kate Nikolenko Subject: A one vote margin to stop Keystone XL: Date: Tue, Nov 18, 2014 8:43 am Dozens of climate activists are sitting in at key Senators offices in Washington DC to tell them to vote no on Keystone XL. Can you call Sens. Feinstein and Boxer to tell them you stand against the pipeline? Call Now Friends, A few minutes ago, dozens of people flooded onto Capitol Hill and started sit-ins inside the offices of Senators planning to vote for the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. The Senate vote on Keystone is planned for this evening, and it literally couldnt be closer -- Big Oil just needs one more Senator to support them to pass a bill to force approval of the pipeline. The outcome will rest on whether we, the people, can tip the scales against Big Oils big money here in the coming hours. Folks in DC are doing their part with bold action today. Can you do yours? As of this morning Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer of California are planning to vote against the pipeline, which is good news. But since the vote is so close, Big Oil is going to have the pressure on, and we dont want to take anything for granted. Were calling Senators everywhere today to make sure they know were watching. Can you call Sens. Feinstein and Boxer and ask them to stand strong today? Click here to call Sens. Feinstein and Boxer: Last week, Rosebud Sioux Tribal President Cyril Scott described building Keystone XL without prior and informed consent of his people as an act of war. Yesterday farmer Art Tanderup, whose land would be crossed by the pipeline, stood on Capitol Hill and pledged to continue fighting back no matter what. Today the climate movement is showing that we take their words seriously, and that we will stand with them. It looks like President Obama is likely to veto any legislation to approve the pipeline, even if it does pass the Senate. Thats testament to the power of courageous grassroots organizing that has turned Keystone XL from a done deal into Big Oils biggest headache. But it’s not a reason to rest: next year well be facing even tougher tests with the new climate denier majority in Congress. Pushing back -- and starting to go on offense against the fossil fuel industry -- will require bold, creative actions like those underway today. We cant all be in DC today, but we can all pitch in. Can you call now to stand against Keystone XL before the vote tonight? Click here to call your Senators. Thank you for everything. Ill give you an update tomorrow about how things go. Duncan P.S. Need some music for the final push? Our friends at the Hip Hop Caucus just released an EP called HOME, featuring several hip hop and R&B legends, that is free to download for the next 7 days. Its perfect movement music -- a soundtrack that will power us into what comes next after this vote, win or lose. Click here to download and listen: peoplesclimatemusic/ is building a global climate movement. Become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing. You can update your contact information here, or if youre 100% sure you never want to hear from again you can click here to unsubscribe.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 16:57:57 +0000

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