From Ed Lovette former CIA Para- Military Officer: In recent - TopicsExpress


From Ed Lovette former CIA Para- Military Officer: In recent days several friends of mine have asked me what I thought about the recently released Feinstein paper (the way it was assembled ensures that it does not rise to the level of a report, they did not interview anybody at CIA for starters) which essentially holds the CIA to blame for using waterboarding to interrogate terrorists in the wake of the 9-11 attack against the United States. First I need to make sure everyone knows that I am not able to take a joke regarding this. There is nothing funny about it to me. A colleague of mine, Bill Buckley, was kidnapped and tortured to death by Hezbollah terrorists in Beirut. Other kidnap victims being held in the same building could hear his screams as they worked him over. Before I get on my soapbox I will suggest that if you have an interest in the facts (you must not be a dimicrat) you need to read Marc Thiessens book, Courting Disaster, which explains in great detail how this program was conceived, approved and run. I can assure you that Hezbollah did not go through this process with Buckley. One of the things the release of this paper tends to overlook (on purpose) is what the U.S. national security effort was facing at the time, which was the imminent threat of a second wave of attacks (based on intel reporting) about which they did not have the specific info needed to make all the necessary decisions nor did they have the time to waste in getting these answers. Since many of you on this mailing list have spent careers as professional law enforcement officers you know better than any of us that interrogation/interview techniques work- as long as time is not a factor (which is what Guantanamo allows us to do, but we need to remember that no one has been sent to Gitmo under this administration so we are fighting blind in many cases since this administration stopped that critical intel flow). When we do not have the luxury of time, when national security is at stake ( the biggest responsibility that our government has) and when the enemy is willing to launch Pearl Harbor style attacks against innocent civilians on our soil, you need to act accordingly to prevent that from happening and we expect no less from our national security effort. So the issue here is not what anyone personally thinks about enhanced interrogation, it is what your views are on national security and the protection of this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We will not know for sure anytime soon what type of attacks and how many were prevented by enhanced interrogation (of three terrorists) not to mention the op which took out OBL, but my understanding is that it was substantial. So why the Feinstein paper now? Especially since the justice department (another oxymoron) has reviewed the operation twice and determined there were no charges to be brought. Lots of folks with way more info on the subject than I will weigh in on this question for days to come. As a snuffy it is fairly simple for me to make my own decision. If you look at what this administration, the most liberal, the most corrupt, the most devisive in our lifetime, is doing to our military and our law enforcement communities as this is being written you pretty much have your answer. They are trying to destroy our national security capability. The attack on the CIA closes the loop, they are now attacking our LE, military and intelligence communities to weaken us at a time when many experts, some of them former colleagues of mine, are warning that the threat today from terrorism is many times greater than it was when all we had to deal with was Al Qaeda. Just the thought of an open border and the threat posed by ISIS is enough to keep me awake at night. No Republicans supported this paper. It is all the work of the Democrats who cherry-picked bits and pieces of info (many of which may not be factual as I understand it) from the mountain of documents they had and came up with what I am given to understand is a biased account of what actually happened that supports the narrative (lie) they want you to believe. This is a manipulation of information, pure and simple. It is an attack by the enemy from within. (Would a patriot release such a fabrication if they knew in advance it would put our military and USG officials at risk abroad). I hope this answers any questions you might have and that it reinforces your intention to stand strong in support of those who go in harms way every day under orders from our nations leaders to protect this great country. Nothing less than the future of our country is at stake here. Also keep this in mind when you vote, please. Stay thirsty my friends, this is only going to get worse. Thanks for your time - Ed
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 17:44:41 +0000

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