From Egypt: What organization in the world is able to impeach - TopicsExpress


From Egypt: What organization in the world is able to impeach those criminals?!!!!! 1- Zionist companies, which produced and promoted many medications, and got license to use it on humans from Zionist FDA, and had gained hundred Billion Dollars as profits, then proved to be lethal and had been banned after killing Million people all over the world. 2- Zionist companies, which produced vaccines and added to them toxic doses of fluride, mercury, and formaldeyhe, to cause infertility, cancer, allergy, paralysis, and death, and to cause pineal gland destruction to reduce immunity and cause ADHD, and autism, and got license to promote them as obligatory vaccination schedules, to intentionally kill people and cause diseases. 3- Pentagon, which created FunVax, brain eating vaccine, which contains brain eating virus particles, inoculated through Prion Protein Derivatives, which targets centers in the brain, responsible for logic and religion, and forcing its use as flu shots, to visitors of USA, and to people in the world after claimed influenza pandemics. 4- Zionist WHO, which falsely promoted lies about Bird flu and Swine flu, to allow the use of killing vaccines and the selling of Zionist Tamiflu. 5- Zionist FDA, which promoted the use of carcinogenic pesticides and the use of GMO, to modify human genes, and destroy the fertility of the soil, to create famines. 6- Zionist UNESCO, which sponsored the smuggling of antiquities, through Zionist Diplomats and Ambassadors, who had stolen Egyptian antiquities, and sell them in Opeen Galleries. 7- Zionist NGO, which were used to penetrated societies in other countries, for spying, and funding sleeping cells, to use them to create instability and regime changes, for the planned NWO. 8- Zionist Blackwater mercenaries, Kidon killer snipers related to Mossad, Alqaeda, Knights of Malta, Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, which invade other countries, and spread terrorism. 9- Zionist United Nations, European Union, CIA, MI6, Mossad, Bilderberger Elite, Queen Elizabeth, TLC, NSA, Club Rome, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Brizinski, and their allies, who sponsor mafia, drug cartels, arm smuggling, and assassin militias. 10- Zionist media, Aljazeera, BBC, CNN, Washington Post, The Guardian, and other Zionist media, which promoted lies, about Arab Spring, which proved to be a CIA-made conspiracy and are defending Muslim Brotherhood terrorists. 11- Zionist governments, which made wars against pther countries, for fabricated reasons, like war on Iraq, war on terrorism on Afghanistan and Pakistan. 12- Zionist troops, which destroyed other countries, under the claim of supporting democracy, like what they did in Libya, Yemen, Syria and Sudan, which were made to divide the Middle East. 13- Zionist experiments on human beings, for mind control, and their secret use to direct victims towards violence and terrorism. 14- Zionist climate war, and the intended use of chemtrails, HAARP, and other means, which created disasters in other countries, like Tsunami, floods and earthquakes, to depopulate the world, and cause economic collapse in many countries. 15- Zionist United Nations, which protected Zionist criminals, and never impeached any of them, and based all its decisions to serve the Zionist goals to dominate the world. These are just a few examples, and the question again is: What organization in the world is able to impeach those criminals? The answer is: None! The solution is: Ending the failed and corrupted United Nations and all its branches and recreating and a new organization on new bases, to restore justice and peace.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 03:46:16 +0000

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