From Fairies to Herbs.. a lovely set tonight of newer - TopicsExpress


From Fairies to Herbs.. a lovely set tonight of newer books. Plus, I have checked that some of yesterdays are still free - so check them out too. Sadly, people are still sharing the books, without mentioning us, this is really disappointing and more than that, its a bit of a cheat by not referencing us. IF you are sharing - can you PLEASE, just put; (SHARED FROM https://facebook/PaganeBooksforfree) Is that too much to ask? Everyone else.... Thanks. Enjoy x Dont forget! NANOWRIMO has started! However it is not to late. Lastly - dont forger the John Hunt Sale over on Penny-Pinching Pagan Publications https://facebook/groups/PennyPinchingPaganPublications Dont forget, you can ask for any genre, and we can do a feature on that from time to time... so do ask. Do try and download the books, even if you think you have them - there are some part works out there with the same covers, and without realising it, you might miss them if you dont. Dont worry, you wont get charged and if you have it already it will tell you. Do check the old books as some of yesterday are definitely still free - but PLEASE make sure before you click buy they are! We cannot be held responsible for you purchasing books if they are no longer free. If you have bought books by accident you can claim your money back by, but I believe going into manage account, and searching for the book and asking for a refund - this will take it out of your library and you will get your money back. IF you do not have a kindle, never fear go to our ABOUT page to download an app, then you can read ALL these books on your computer. If you are missing our posts, please read https://facebook/PaganeBooksforfree/posts/563887233663932?comment_id=5664887&offset=0&total_comments=17 This is very important! And keep checking back, come to the page for updates - so save us in favourites and check daily! Thanks to all who responded. Please dont forget to include us in your notification, or you wont be getting our books every day. https://facebook/groups/PennyPinchingPaganPublications And so we will do under a pound, under a dollar over there.. and continue the freebies here.. Unless you say different... Any ideas? Dont forget folks - links are under so click see more! Someone posted unless you are in the UK dont bother, and I get many of the same question, why dont we do it for areas. We DO, we keep saying we do.. but they just do not see till its pointed out - so ALWAYS click MORE! I do not know how much of this is true.... but do read.. Facebook now requires page administrators to pay to promote status updates to people who already like our page. If we do not pay to promote our posts, only about 10% (or less) of you will receive our updates in your news feeds. That means you are probably not seeing most of the updates that we post! To keep receiving all the posts, hover your mouse on the Like button near the page name. In the drop-down menu select Add to interest lists. It is recommended that you follow the above instructions for any Facebook page you care about, so you can continue seeing all the posts from the pages you already like. Please share this post with others, so they can turn on their interest feed too. ON NOW!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 23:49:44 +0000

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