From GRASS TO GRACE AM STILL STANDING ...I want to thank God - TopicsExpress


From GRASS TO GRACE AM STILL STANDING ...I want to thank God for loving me as I am not perfect , but am working my own salvation With fear and trembling.. GOD did not give up on me ..and he wont , thats why am sticking with him ...all the way Over the years , I have watched people hate my guts! Spread lies about me , formulated stories until those stories made sense to the hearers , I have had my closet people warned not to get close to me , to run away from me ...and yet they come and tell me aware of what is happening here all of it ... I have had people abuse and use my kindness , my laughter and smile for their own advantage , some used my big heart to get ahead , some reported me to their authorities just to bring me DOWN! I have had people writing my closest friends about me, and they Inturn tell me ..had people talk and talk and talk until they get tired of talking ...some watch my moves closely , where I go. With who. Which church , which country for what reason...some tap my conversations , some follow me to check me out and report to their authorities ...tell me something.. Why du u hate me this much? What have I done to deserve such cruelty? Can a girl live in peace? Some are saying who ordained her ? Who is her father? Where is her ministry ? I want you to take a 3 legged plastic chair , a black one and sit comfortably and watch me will be answered soon! GRACE IS SPEAKING FOR ME , JESUS IS WITH ME AND AM NOT GOING DOWN ... AM STILL STANDING... PRAY FOR ME ...(if you love me genuinely) ..
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 13:17:18 +0000

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