From Gainesboro to Carnegie As a small boy growing up in - TopicsExpress


From Gainesboro to Carnegie As a small boy growing up in Gainesboro Tennessee, I never dreamed I would ever get to step foot inside Carnegie Hall let alone perform there. When we received a phone call from our manager Zac Koffler, he informed us that we had been asked to come play Carnegie Hall. I begin to perspire and my heart began to beat a little faster than normal. My mind was racing with many thoughts of excitement and I could hardly contain myself. I wanted to run out into the street, stop all passersby and tell them the good news! But instead, I stayed on the phone and in my home and I didnt embarrass myself. Zac and our booking Agency APA arranged a conference call with us and proceeded to tell us it would be a different kind of concert than we were accustomed to. They told us we would only play a twenty to thirty minute set of Dailey and Vincent music and then we would cue a two hundred person chorus to come out on stage behind us and we would play the music for them to sing with and we would personally sing some solos, duets and quartets with them for a thirty minute long piece of music written by Carol Burnette entitled, A Bluegrass Mass. This excited Darrin and I for several reasons. First, we were going to be playing Carnegie Hall. Second, this was going to challenge us and our band to learn this somewhat difficult piece of music. But we new in the end if we could pull it off it would help make us become better musicians and singers. And we love to learn new things! We agreed to do it. Soon we met up with the conductor Jeff Johnson a music professor from The University of Kentucky who of course resides in Lexington, Kentucky. We rehearsed with Jeff for four hours or so and we must say, he is one fine fellow with a good and sincere heart and he knows his stuff! And, he loves and respects bluegrass. He corrected us where we needed it and he taught us things we never new much about. It wasnt long before we arrived in Manhattan for a one day rehearsal with the actual chorus that would be joining us on stage. When we heard them sing we was blown away! We both became somewhat emotional and even more thankful to be there. They welcomed us with open arms and we loved them for it. During restroom breaks we signed autographs for those who asked and took pictures with them. This chorus of singers were some of the most wonderful people we have met. We had a long and good day of rehearsals and some laughs too! The next day we suited up in our hotel rooms and Darrin and I walked to Carnegie and did a dress rehearsal with our band and the chorus. After rehearsal we had a nice lunch and then came back to Carnegie and briefed our wonderful band and said a prayer. When we hit the stage the applause we received was way better than I had expected it to be. Because I had figured most of these people didnt know us. But I was partly wrong. We had a lot of loyal D&V fans in attendance. Our hearts were touched deeply as we gazed across this beautiful historic room full of nicely dressed ticket buyers. We immediately ripped into a song I wrote called, Steeldriving Man and by the time we got to the first verse I was smiling from ear to ear. I knew that everyone in our band was firing on all cylinders and everyone of us was putting our hearts and souls into the performance as we try to do every night. In other words, we knew how blessed we were to be on stage at Carnegie Hall and I could feel the emotions from each band members performance oozing out. We sang Cumberland River, we played B.J. Cherryholmes instrumental Nine Yards. We welcomed the crowd and sang Home and Someday. Then Darrin told the audience that we would like to pay a tribute to a legendary bluegrass group by the name of Flatt and Scruggs who had played Carnegie Hall 52 years earlier. Jessie Baker kicked in to the Foggy Mountain Breakdown. When we played this timeless bluegrass hit, the chorus started walking on to the risers behind us. When we finished the song we walked over to the side of the stage and sang an acapella called Wonderful Grace of Jesus. I will never forget how big our voices sounded because of the rooms ambience. We made our way back to our mic stands and the conductor entered the stage with an applause from the audience. The conductor directed me to begin. I sang the opening Acapella verse solo before the band kicked in with the choral group singing at full voice. Darrin had the hardest job of any of us. Everyone including the chorus depended on him to hold the timing for all of us to sing the whole piece, all 208 of us! But like a real champ he pulled us through flawlessly. He IS one of the best bass players in our business and that part of our show helped drive my point home! Its hard for us to explain the emotions we felt as the chorus sang their hearts and souls out. It was one of the most beautiful things Ive ever heard. It stirred my soul. At the end of the piece we all bowed our heads and the crowds response was extremely rewarding for all of us on stage. Darrin and I walked over to join the conductor for a bow to the audience before returning to our mic stands. Heres where it really gets fun! The conductor wanted us to sing an old bluegrass song entitled Black Eyed Susie. On the chorus part of the song he wanted the choral group to sing the HEYS! and HOs. The choral group LOVED this and they sang it with smiles on their faces and had huge fun with it as did we and our as did our audience. This concluded our encore and we left the stage with great applause behind us. As we walked out the back door of this famous building I couldnt believe what we had just been a part of and all I could do was thank our Lord and savior for his blessings upon us. We made our way over to a reception for the chorus and us. When we arrived they were all seated and eating dinner. Darrin and I was given a microphone and we made some off the cuff remarks. I told them they were some of the finest singers we had ever sang and performed with and that in time, I hoped we could do it again. They exploded with applause and screams and started yelling HEY!!! HO!!! HEY!! HO!!! We thanked them for being so kind to us and working with us and wished them Gods speed. As we turned to exit the building we could hear them yelling HEY!!! HO!!! HEY!!! HO!!! It was a most remarkable night and one I will cherish until I die. My birthday celebration After we left the reception I met some of my closest friends who had flown to Manhattan to see our performance and spend my birthday with me. They threw a small intimate birthday dinner for me. My long time friend from Gainesboro Julie Huffines OConner was there and surprised me with a cake. When we were in kindergarten we had our picture made with us and my Woody Wood Pecker birthday cake that my mom had made me. Julie and one of my friends had a Woody Wood Pecker cake made for me and brought to our table. It looked just like the one that mamma had made for me some 34 years earlier. I was touched deeply by this kind gesture and thoughtful act. The twelve of us enjoyed an excellent dinner and then I was given a gift that made me tear up. One of the nicest gifts Ive ever received. I opened up a beautifully wrapped box only to find a fun but gorgeous painting of my little dog, Mr. Beaty! This put my birthday right over the top. When I left dinner and headed for the hotel I said a small prayer as I walked alone thanking The Lord for a most blessed birthday and a wonderful life. American Swiss Foundation Dinner My good friend and my mentor, United States Ambassador Faith Whittlesey had asked me several months prior of our trip to be Master of Ceremonies for the American Swiss Foundations Young Leaders dinner held at the Union League in Manhattan. Though Im not a great speaker, I agreed to do it. On Monday afternoon after taking several meetings in the city with Darrin and our manager I made my way over to the Union League Club to meet with Ambassador Whittlesey to rehearse my opening remarks for the dinner and to run through the nights script. That night I made my opening remarks to many American and Swiss leaders including several U.S. and Swiss Ambassadors also including Governor Scott Walker. Mid way through the dinner Darrin jumped to the podium and led the audience into singing happy birthday to me and the Swiss Ambassadors wife. Everyone had a good laugh and Darrin helped bring some much needed laughter to somewhat of a stuffy room. We enjoyed our cake and we went on with our evening. The dinner was a success and I enjoyed seeing a lot of my fellow Young Leaders from my class of 2005. Alison Krauss and Willie Nelson On Tuesday I had a luncheon with Ambassador Whittlesey and took a few meetings. Late that afternoon, Darrin his wife Julie and I had dinner and then made our way to Radio City to see the six thousand seat SOLD OUT show for Alison Krauss and Union Station and Willie Nelson. Alison and Union Station took the stage and knocked a home run with an tremendous show. I loved every minute of it. We made our way back stage to visit with them and congratulate them on their successful tour. By the time we got back to our seats Willie was well into his set of music. He awed us all! He sang hit after hit and song after song and I found myself out of my seat yelling for him. At one point two people rushed the stage as security grabbed them and man handled them off stage. But over all it was a great night of music. Im proud of how Alison and Union Station represent our music in such a classy manner. We need them and Im glad they help carry the torch. Home Im getting ready to board my flight and head home. God has been good to us and we are thankful. We will post some pictures and maybe even a video or two. Many heartfelt thanks to our great band. Jeff, Bob, BJ, Molly, Seth, Jessie and Christian and of course Key! You all are the best! And a big shout out to the hard working professionals at Distinguished Concerts International New York. You guys are the greatest! I know this is my longest post ever, but we wanted to share an insight of a very special time in our lives and career. I hope you have enjoyed reading this. We love you all and may God bless you! Jamie Dailey Dailey and Vincent
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 16:47:00 +0000

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