From Gary Johnson. A few days ago, I predicted that, when - TopicsExpress


From Gary Johnson. A few days ago, I predicted that, when October 1 arrived, President Obama and Congress would make yet another back-room deal to keep the government open while continuing their big-spending ways. I was wrong. What they did is even worse. They have done NOTHING. They let a costly government pseudo-shutdown happen -- inconveniencing Americans from World War II veterans visiting Washington, DC, to millions who simply need to get some information on government websites. Who else in America could get by with such incompetence and neglect without being fired?? And “shutting down” the government (Which isn’t really shut down; they’re just acting like it.) isn’t even saving any money. Much to the contrary, when all is said and done, we will find that this ridiculous political circus will have cost us a great deal of money we don’t have. I will confess, and I suspect you may share this sentiment, to a certain amount of amusement that this exercise has shined some light on the notion of “non-essential” government employees and functions, which raises the question: If they are non-essential, why do we have them -- especially when facing a $17 trillion debt? But that amusement quickly goes away when we remember that, whether it is today or next week or whenever, the politicians will somehow get the government doors reopened -- and nothing will have changed. The games have to end. And the only way they will end is if we demand it. Later this month and next, I am headed to Washington, DC, and New York for several events and appearances, and my message will be simple: STOP playing around and get on with the task of actually shutting down non-essential government programs for good. STOP pretending to care about the deficit and debt while doing NOTHING to reduce them. And STOP funding government programs that are attacking our liberties at every turn, from spying on us to regulating every aspect of our lives to using the tax code as a weapon of force. We all know that the government is driven by special interests. Behind every program and every line of the tax code, there is an association and its lobbyists. What’s missing is the most important special interest: Liberty and the millions of Americans who long for it to be restored. Our America is poised to be the mouthpiece for Liberty and financial sanity. GARY JOHNSON 2016!!!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 22:42:15 +0000

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