From: Gary L. Bauer Borrowed from an email::: Good Morning, - TopicsExpress


From: Gary L. Bauer Borrowed from an email::: Good Morning, Liberals! Just kidding, really. If you were a liberal getting up this morning, ready to fight the battle against mean, nasty conservatives, the latest Obamacare headlines would probably have you reaching for the Maalox. For example: A new report finds that health insurance premiums in the individual market are up nearly 40% and family policies are up 56% -- just since February 2013. Now lets put this dramatic one-year price spike into perspective: Between 2005 and 2013, average premiums for individual plans increased 37 percent and average family premiums were upped 31 percent. So they have risen faster [in one year] under Obamacare than in the previous eight years. The bad news for liberals doesnt end there. Last week, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius testified before Congress that Obamacare premiums would likely go up next year. But Sebelius insisted the increases would be far less significant than what they were prior to the Affordable Care Act. Health industry officials who know better say Sebelius is way off base. One industry executive who spoke to The Hill said, Its pretty shortsighted because I think everybody knows that the way the exchange has rolled out … is going to lead to higher costs. The insurance executive added that his company expects to triple its rates next year on the ObamaCare exchange. The Hill reports that other officials expect ObamaCare-related premiums will double in some parts of the country. So much for Obamas promise to lower family premiums by $2,500 a year. By the way, its not just a lack of young people signing up. Obama is forcing folks to pay more. The Hill adds, …insurance officials are quick to emphasize that any spikes would be a consequence of delays and changes in ObamaCares rollout. … Were exasperated, said the senior insurance official. All of these major delays on very significant portions of the law are going to change what its going to cost. Government regulations are not free. When Big Government meddles with the private sector, consumers pay the price. I know insurance companies are about as popular as used car salesmen or members of Congress. Anytime one of them made a mistake or denied someone coverage, the left used the negative headlines to demonize the entire industry. Government was the solution, we were told. But bigger government and more bureaucrats doesnt mean better service. Consider the case of Las Vegas resident Larry Basich. He signed up for Obamacare in November and paid his first premium later that month. Weeks later, Larry suffered a heart attack and underwent triple bypass surgery in early January. But the Obamacare exchange now claims he isnt covered and is sticking him with a $400,000 bill! Larry isnt the only one who has gotten lost in Obamacares bureaucratic morass. Cancer patients are learning, much to their distress, that many of the nations best cancer centers are not included in Obamacare policies.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 08:47:39 +0000

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