From Gordon County Schools: During their annual debriefing to - TopicsExpress


From Gordon County Schools: During their annual debriefing to deliberate the first days of school, Gordon County principals discussed the effects the changes in start times and transportation schedule have had on the school day. Most schools reported no atypical issues for the beginning of school. There has been traffic congestion at the elementary schools, but parents are still walking students to class and driving students who will eventually be bus riders. Given these factors, no student this year has been counted tardy or not been allowed the opportunity to eat breakfast before going to class. As with any school year start, after the first several days of school, these delays are expected to be eliminated as students become more comfortable with the new school year and get to know their teachers and the routines. As typical as these events have been for the first few days of school, principals recognized that there is anxiety over the changes to the schedule and want to assure parents that the safety, well-being, and educational experience of their children is paramount. In an effort to ease the concerns of parents and students, all elementary schools will delay the tardy bell by five minutes to extend the time students will have to eat breakfast and/or get to class. The hope is that this will put all at ease with the new schedule, while still allowing some additional instructional time and recess during the day for elementary school students. To facilitate the improvement of delivery times for middle and high school students in the afternoon, an additional route has been added to help alleviate transportation time in the Red Bud/Sonoraville routes. Gordon County Schools would like to thank the parents and students for their patience and support during these changes. We would also like to thank all of the teachers, administrators, bus drivers, nutrition and support staffs for all of the tremendous work they do for our students on a daily basis- especially in the face of the changes that have occurred this year to the benefit of our system as a whole. It is great to be part of such a wonderful group of people.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 21:05:19 +0000

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