From Greco Belgica: MY OPENING STATEMENT FOR THE ORAL ARGUMENT AT THE SUPREME COURT ON OCT. 8, 2013, FOR THE PETITION WE FILED TO DECLARE ALL PORK BARREL SYSTEMS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. By Greco Belgica, Sept.21, 2013 (41 years after Martial Law) THIS IS NO LONGER THE SOCIETY OUR YOUNG HEROES FOUGHT FOR By Greco Belgica History enlightens the purposes of the constitution. How it was structured tells us why government was created and how it is to function. To best appreciate the dreams, the young national heroes had is to look at the writings of the very first constitution they wrote in 1899. This is the only constitution that can directly express the desires, dreams and visions these great young heroes had for this nation. The writings of this constitution mainly protected individuals from any external and government coercion, arrest and intrutions on its rights to life, privacy, property, and liberty. It created a society where filipinos can enjoy the benefits of freedom and prosper in their own land. It created a strong civil government that criminals and rebels feared, yet functionally limited to the preservation of peace, order and application of justice. Compared to what we have now, the 1899 consititution had very little to do with peoples money and the utilization, collection, redistribution of peoples wealth. THIS IS NO LONGER THE SOCIETY OUR YOUNG HEROES FOUGHT FOR. Our leaders have created a government that has stepped out of their limits. Enslaving its own masters it was created to serve, and through legislation, applying the principles of slavery, inequality and selective priviledges for the selected few. The liberties that Rizal, Bonifacio, Mabini, and Aguinaldo dreamed and died for are no longer the liberties the young enjoy. Our society has re-created the very government our heroes fought. Only this time with filipino masters called POLITICIANS. The government that was created to protect these liberties has become a government that intruded all liberties through law and coercion. THIS IS NOT THE SOCIETY OUR YOUNG HEROES FOUGHT FOR. When the legislative body was created in 1899, it stated that any member of the assembly that agree to receive pension, salary or any monetary compensation from government is deemed resigned. Thus, reflecting the desire of our leaders to protect society from centralized power and control. By separating the functions of the appropriator and the implemetor. Today, legislators yearly appropriate money for their own members an amount that only the TOP business executives in the world can ever dream of. Taking money from their masters they turned into slaves through excessive taxes and policies and perpetuating themselves to power almost beyond scrutiny through lump sum appropriation called PORK BARREL FUNDS. THIS IS NOT THE SOCIETY OUR YOUNG HEROES FOUGHT FOR. Politicians redistribute wealth and exploit poverty by sustaining poverty through discretionary dole outs, treating the poor like dogs and pets by putting them under control with money. THIS IS NO LONGER THE SOCIETY OUR YOUNG HEROES FOUGHT FOR. It is for this reason that the petitioners question the constitutionality of lump sum appropriations or PORK BARREL FUNDS, PDAF and discretionary spending by politicians without going through the stringent process of congress scrutiny and line itemed budgeting. The 1899 consitution provided that ALL government income, debts and collection shall be part of govenrment appropriation therefore under scrutiny of congress and should never be assigned to the discretion of one man and one office, not even if he is a saint. Today, the Presidential social funds, Malampaya funds and the likes are called special purpose funds and off budget collections no longer considered as government taxes, but these funds goes directly under the control of the office of the President clear from congressional scrutiny, by passing the process of appropriations as discretionary funds or PORK BARRELS of the President. THIS IS NOT THE SOCIETY OUR HEROES FOUGHT FOR. Court history clearly proves that PORK BARREL APPROPRIATIONS CAN NOT BE FUNCTIONALLY APPLIED and remain CONSTITUTIONAL both at the same time. To restore these constitutional principles and THE LIBERTIES OUR YOUNG HEROES FOUGHT FOR...WE COME TO THE COURT FOR RELIEF.
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 14:28:36 +0000

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