From Heritage- November 14, 2014 No Blank Check for - TopicsExpress


From Heritage- November 14, 2014 No Blank Check for Amnesty Administration officials have indicated President Obama may announce sweeping unilateral immigration changes as soon as next week -- changes that include amnesty and work permits for as many as five million illegal immigrants. This flies in the face of what voters decided just last week, Heritage Action CEO Michael Needham says. “President Obama’s amnesty policy was on the ballot and it was thoroughly rejected. Unless Congress preempts or blocks the President’s promised executive action, a long-term funding bill is little more than a blank check for amnesty.” Even Karl Rove, the architect behind the Bush-era amnesty push, told Fox News Sean Hannity the Republican-controlled Congress should defund President Obamas executive amnesty: Use every tool available to the Congress... Put riders on appropriations bills that say money shall be spent to execute this policy. Pass a bill that specifically holds him accountable. Republicans Were Elected to Repeal Obamacare Every single newly elected Republican ran on an explicit anti-Obamacare message. Over 40,000 ads against Obamacare were run on behalf of winning candidates. The American people elected a Republican Congress to repeal Obamacare. To fulfill their campaign promises, the newly elected Congress must send a bill repealing Obamacare to the President. Heritage Action is hitting hard on the repeal Obamacare message, urging congressional Republicans to govern as they campaigned. Conservatives are being heard loud and clear -- and we wont let up. From RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, to Speaker John Boehner, to incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, all agree that the American people want to repeal Obamacare. In a joint statement to the Wall Street Journal, Boehner and McConnell said that Obamacare was “a hopelessly flawed law that Americans have never supported” and promised to “honor the voters’ trust” by “renewing our commitment to repeal Obamacare.” Heritage Action will hold congressional leadership accountable for these statements. Heritage Action CEO Michael Needham called on the new GOP majority to eliminate the unworkable, unaffordable, and unfair healthcare law. On election night, Needham told the Examiner that, Voters delivered a powerful message tonight. Just like the House majority four years earlier, the new Senate Republican majority is built on the repeal of Obamacare. Heritage Action will push Republicans to use the budget reconciliation process to repeal Obamacare -- the same process used to pass it in 2010. This process requires only a simple majority vote, which Republicans now have in both houses. We are committed to pressuring Congress to fully repeal and replace Obamacare with a more affordable, workable, solution based on the principles of free enterprise and limited, constitutional government. What are your greatest fears about Obamacare, a one-size-fits all healthcare system controlled by the federal government? What You Think About the Elections Last week we asked what you learned from the 2014 midterm elections, and this is what you said: “We Americans live our lives freely and conservatively. We understand that conservatism, not liberalism, is the road to maintain our freedom. We have voted for folks that we hope will restore the freedom that big government liberalism has taken from us. I certainly hope these folks from around the nation that are being sent to Washington understand there is no compromise with the liberals and the socialism about which they are.” “Conservatism wins every time its tried and we can win opposing Obama and his socialist agenda…The GOP has one mandate, STOP Obama. “I have learned that one midterm win is not enough. It is a start and has some leverage.” Thank you for sharing your insights about the fights ahead. We hope to hear more from you and all of our dedicated supporters in the country. Heritage Action is a grassroots organization that promotes conservative policies in Congress. Heritage Action for America | 214 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Suite 400 | Washington, DC
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 23:28:49 +0000

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