From Hilton Ratcliffe - Banting (Tim Noakes Diet) WHY DID I GO - TopicsExpress


From Hilton Ratcliffe - Banting (Tim Noakes Diet) WHY DID I GO BANTING? AND WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? I didnt go Banting because of a weight problem. I was carrying a spare tyre around the middle, but have a generally lean body type. Two years ago, I went to my GP for a checkup, and when the bloods came back, I was bummed to be told that I have cardiovascular problems. I was told by my undoubtedly sincere and concerned GP to change my diet - I had to go strictly low fat, and avoid red meat, cheese and eggs, etc. At the beginning of last year, I had another checkup, and the results were much worse. Not only was my blood pressure dangerously high, my bad cholesterol count was way high. Six months ago, I had contact with Tim Noakes about another matter, and started looking at his turnaround on carbo-loading for runners. I had been a ultra marathon runner before I got sick, and had religiously carbo-loaded for events. The net result was that I started a personal correspondence with Tim, and began Banting. That was six months ago. In mid-December I went to my GP (who doesnt know I am Banting, so he is in effect a control on my experiment) for a checkup again. The results astonished both of us. My BP is now 120 over 70, my cholesterol is well within clinical norms, I lost 6kg and a lot of centimetres around my middle, and have overcome the chronic fatigue that had prevented me from working. I achieved that in six months by doing the exact opposite of the recommendations of my GP. I eat 4 to 6 eggs a day, avoid carbohydrates almost completely, traded margarine for butter (lots of it), use full cream milk, and eat lots of leafy vegetables. Low carb-medium protein-high fat diet has by every test conducted on me healed my heart and artery disease. The data dont lie.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 17:26:48 +0000

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