From Jenni Stone: Thursday September 5 – New Moon in Virgo Rosh - TopicsExpress


From Jenni Stone: Thursday September 5 – New Moon in Virgo Rosh Hashanah NEW MOON 7.36am Eastern, 4.36am Pacific. The New Moon in Virgo is the moment of review and evaluation. On a personal level take note of daily routine and health. Is there anything that you can do to make minor adjustments that will add up to a major turning point? This is not about major growth and transformation – but about looking at the details that make up the whole picture. What daily habits keep you stagnating? What small changes can you make to improve overall health. This is a great time to make changes to diet. The perfect moment to pull out of the daily loop and measure what works and what doesn’t. And for today – do the personal self-care – pamper yourself with something good for you. This is the New Moon of maturity, sensible good habits and taking stock. It’s all good – and even better when you take inventory. Make your own judgments and get feedback from people you trust. Celebrate with the New Moon this evening – and move forward with quiet resolve. Projects started now go forward with quiet resolve – and may take some effort to bring to completion. Take your time, be practical and look to the longer term for success. This is the weekend to celebrate. Get together with loved ones on Saturday) and reward yourself with a gift that will contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Weather is usually good for this New Moon celebration. New Moon wish list – focus on health, daily habits, work and schedule. You could write: I can easily follow the right routine I enjoy foods that make me feel healthy I learn quickly and easily and enjoy my studies and research I find time to exercise and fully enjoy being energetic This is the time to let go of negative behavior – like perfectionism, the need to be in control, or being critical of others to the point where it separates you from those who want to be close. Leaders should bring confidence to the table, but also give it to others by ensuring that goals are challenging, but achievable. It is important to give positive feedback before launching into criticism – and encourage creativity as that is to way to achieve greater. With the New Moon on Thursday – consider making a personal inventory – some things to consider: Your strengths and gifts – sometimes we shunt those aside and only focus on what we want to improve. No need to make extreme changes – but think about playing to your strengths instead of focusing on the liabilities. When you find situations that require you to adapt you way beyond habitual ways of thinking and acting – be willing to adapt and innovate. The Virgo New Moon on Thursday morning is the most significant time of the year to begin new behavioral habits. Small changes in everyday routine can adjust and motivate you going forward.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 05:30:29 +0000

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