From Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots n direct response - TopicsExpress


From Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots n direct response to the Presidents illegal actions on Obamacare and amnesty, Americans took a stand by electing conservatives to Congress in a truly historic, landslide victory. Thanks to your efforts, dozens of defeated Obama allies just cleaned out their Washington, D.C. offices. Now, the hard work begins. The establishment elites in both parties are furious that Congress now has a record number of constitutional conservatives in the U.S. House. These establishment types are ready to go to war with the Tea Party and continue shredding the Constitution, while propping up special interest groups and crony capitalism. House Speaker John Boehner fired the first shot, by supporting the shameful CRomnibus, which fully funds the Obama agenda, including President Obamas unilateral executive amnesty. The CRomnibus was passed in the dark of night before Members could read it, and it required Democrat votes to pass. This explains why a whopping 60% of Republicans who voted in the last election understand that Boehner represents the status quo, and they want him removed as Speaker. These polling numbers are devastating for Boehner, but he didnt have anyone willing to challenge him. Until now! Two courageous patriots, Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), are risking their political careers to run for Speaker to protest the Boehner machine. And they deserve our support! To voice your support for either Yoho or Gohmert, please contact your U.S. Representative and demand a vote for one of them. Please remind your Representative that every vote for any living person other than John Boehner – whether for Rep. Yoho, or for Rep. Gohmert, or for anyone else, for that matter – helps us achieve the goal of ending the establishments reign in DC. If your Representative in Congress is a Republican, please let him or her hear from you tomorrow. You can reach him or her by calling 1 (855) 398-4323, tell them to vote for either Rep. Yoho or Rep. Gohmert for Speaker of the House! It is critical that Republican Members of Congress hear from us starting first thing tomorrow morning! And you can start tonight by talking about this on social media, email, or the old fashioned way – on the telephone to friends and family. Elections have consequences, and one of the immediate effects of the 2014 election results – where conservatives won by distancing themselves from the Obama lawlessness – should be a new Speaker of the House who understands this voter mandate. Before Tuesdays vote for Speaker of the House, were sending a clear message that limited government, constitutional principles are necessary to defeat the Obama agenda.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 00:30:02 +0000

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