From: Joni and Friends Daily Devotional December 8, 2014 Im - TopicsExpress


From: Joni and Friends Daily Devotional December 8, 2014 Im Dying to Know... Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Galatians 5:24 We use words in strange ways. Take the word dying. Your daughter in tenth grade says shes dying to know the football captain of the neighboring high school. Your son in Little League might be dying to meet the national baseball commissioner. Or perhaps you are dying to know what the loud quarrels next door are all about. Its an exaggeration, to say the least. Youre not really willing to kick the bucket in order to find out about your neighbors problems, but there is one use of the expression that is no exaggeration at all. Are you dying to know the Lord? The apostle Paul spoke of this when he said, I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection... becoming like him in His death. Paul realized that in order to know Christ fully, it meant crucifying the old man. Mortifying his sinful nature with all its passions. Nailing worldly affections to the cross. Reckoning himself dead to sin and alive to God. We say we want to know the Lords love, to feel His favor, to experience His joy and peace. We want to know His presence and His smile. But could we say we are dying to know Him? If so, Jesus asks you to meet Him at the cross. ___________________________________________ What does it take to know Jesus in an intimate and personal way? The Bible calls it being crucified with Christ, but you could call it saying no to sin. Ask the Lord to give you His resurrection power and help you squelch anger, stifle gossip, and put a lid on those mind games. The power of Your resurrection, Lord, is what I need when I say no to sin. Let me become like You in your death, crucifying every passion that displeases You. I want to know You. I am dying to know You. Blessings, Joni and Friends
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 11:29:27 +0000

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