From Justice for LA/LB Port Drivers: The strike is over! LA - TopicsExpress


From Justice for LA/LB Port Drivers: The strike is over! LA port truck drivers agree to “cooling off” period requested by LA Mayor Eric Garcetti after trucking companies agree to accept all drivers back to work without retaliation and without being forced to sign away all future rights Los Angeles, CA – After an historic five-day unfair labor practice strike that dramatically impacted three of the ports’ leading drayage firms, clogged truck traffic, and delayed cargo at terminals at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, striking port truck drivers voted unanimously to agree to a “cooling off” period requested by LA Mayor Eric Garcetti. The port drivers agreed to the “cooling off” period after the trucking companies agreed to accept all drivers back to work without retaliation and without being forced to sign away all future rights in new truck leases. Drivers will return to work on their regular shifts. “We are grateful to LA Mayor Garcetti for meeting with us and hearing our concerns. We have accepted his request for a “cooling off,” but if the companies retaliate against us again, we will immediately go back on strike,” said Carlos Martinez driver at TTSI. “I am grateful for the support and solidarity that we received this week from other workers and the community,” said Byron Contreras driver at Green Fleet Systems. “We are no longer alone in our struggle for dignity and respect.” “This week, with the support of my family, I walked the picket line to show that a handful of workers really can make a difference. Never again will we be silent and accept the harassment and indignities that our bosses inflict on us. We will not be intimidated. We will not be silent in our fight for our families and our dignity,” said Daniel Linares, a misclassified “independent contractor” at Pacific 9 Transportation. “This week, striking port truck drivers showed tremendous courage and commitment to stopping the injustices they face hauling the goods that Americans rely on every day,” said Fred Potter, International Vice President, International Brotherhood of Teamsters and Director of the Teamsters Port Division. “While the drivers wanted to continue the strike, they agreed to a cooling off period because Mayor Garcetti personally committed to them that he will thoroughly investigate the serious injustices the drivers presented and take strong action as there is no place for law breakers at the Port of Los Angeles.” #portstrike
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 05:24:59 +0000

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