From Louise Bailey: I wonder what it would have felt like to - TopicsExpress


From Louise Bailey: I wonder what it would have felt like to live in a world where humans were used as slaves, when the torture and abuse of other humans was normal. Imagine being in that world and nobody you knew could see anything wrong with it. Your mum laughed haughtily and said flippantly, ‘sorry humans it just feels too good to abuse you.’ Your dad stayed quiet and if challenged acted as outraged as if you’ve suggested the sky should not be blue. Except it wouldn’t be outrage he’d feel at that. People only feel outraged when you suggest they shouldn’t be abusing others in some way. If you tell them they should always wear pink or eat potatoes or never walk on the pavement, they’d just laugh at you, may think you’re crazy. But that awful snarling, snapping... how could you do this to can you say such a thing to me...defensiveness, is something characteristic to those who are being challenged about abusive behavior. What must have that been like to be the one turning round and telling all their friends family and colleagues that they thought it was as wrong to treat a black person that way as it would be to treat a white person, and to have them just not care, be utterly indifferent to the human slaves suffering. How must it have felt to turn around to describe to everyone around you the details of the rape and beatings, the mutilation and murder, the kidnapping, the diabolical conditions of suffering where they were kept on ships so tightly packed, shackled into tiny spaces the whole journey, half of them dead on arrival....and have almost everyone...just not care. Imagine if we’d grown up in Nazi Germany and had gone to schools which taught that some races of people we torture and kill, that we have to, its normal, then beginning to question that... to find out it was a lie we didn’t have to, that all the suffering and murder was for nothing more than our own pleasure and gain. Turning to tell your loved ones appeal to them that the Jews have feelings are flesh and blood as we are, cry when their children are taken from them, scream in terror when they are tortured... and almost everyone around you... just not caring. That’s what its like being an animal rights activist. Except what people are doing to animals is far worse. Its the worst possible suffering imaginable, systematized and ever more intensified, all so humans can get a bargain, a cheap cut of someone’s flesh. Also, as you turn to tell people about the simply incomprehensible torture we are inflicting on these gentle sweet animals, you add that also, this torture of animals is causing half of global warming and destroying the ecosystem, the very earth we stand on, immanently .... and they still don’t care. Carry on this insane charade of normal. They carry on having conversations about whatever the latest event is in the news or act with great concern about some human injustice. Not the billion humans who are starving because they are eating meat and dairy, no...the atrocity of 14,000 people a day starving because they choose to eat meat and dairy...this they brush under the carpet. But if a man goes mad and shoots a few people...its terrible. They’re insane. What’s the most awful thing about it though, is the way you can feel that it is selfishness, the willingness to abuse others and deceit, which have driven them insane. You can feel the many levels of lies within them, that they are so able to live this way, and feel nothing, and then pretend to care about some random atrocity they can do nothing about. So disingenuous! So lost! Hell on earth 2013! But hey, some of us are vegan and waking up. More and more are everyday. The world is only going to get more vegan from here on in. But for those of us who feel the pain of these animals, its just not bloody good enough. Not soon enough. Its just beyond heartbreaking. Too bloody much.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 04:20:39 +0000

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