From Maggie Howell of Wolf Conservation Center: We have a - TopicsExpress


From Maggie Howell of Wolf Conservation Center: We have a Fitzpatrick-Grijalva House of Rep sign on letter opposing the delisting!! PLEASE CLICK "FIND YOUR CONGRESSMAN" LINK BELOW, AND SEND THIS LETTER ABOUT WOLF DELISTING, FROM ONE REPUBLICAN AND ONE DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSMAN, TO YOUR CONGRESSMAN! Letter Reads: TELL SECRETARY JEWELL TO FINISH THE JOB From: The Honorable Raul M. Grijalva Sent By: [email protected] Date: 10/2/2013 LET’S TELL SECRETARY JEWELL TO FINISH THE JOB!!! Dear Colleague, We write to ask you to join us in sending the attached letter to Interior Secretary Sally Jewell opposing the proposed rule to remove Endangered Species Act protection from gray wolves in the lower 48 states. We believe there is substantial scientific evidence that wolves have not fully recovered and still need Endangered Species Act protection. A delisting now would set back gray wolf recovery in the United States for decades. Gray wolves are one of our nation’s most iconic wild animals and once roamed freely across the American landscape. By the early 20thcentury, these amazing creatures had been virtually wiped out in the lower 48 states. The reintroduction and restoration of wolves to the lower 48 states has been one of the greatest conservation success stories in our nation’s history. The benefits have exceeded all expectations. Top predators like wolves are keystone species that influence the balance of nature. The return of wolves to Yellowstone National Park reduced elk foraging on willows and aspen, improving stream-side habitat for birds and beaver. Beavers created more ponds, which brought more fish. The presence of wolves led to fewer coyotes, which boosted populations of pronghorn antelope and fox. Yellowstone has seen new life because of wolves. Wolf restoration has been a boon to local economies. Economists have estimated that the return of wolves to Yellowstone brings an estimated $35 million in annual tourism revenue, a figure that effectively doubles as dollars filter through the economy. But the job is only half done. Scientists have identified excellent and still unoccupied habitat for wolf recovery in the Northeast, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, California and Utah. Until wolves establish a better foothold in these areas, federal protections are still needed. Eminent scientists have written letters to Secretary Jewell expressing the view that the proposal is not reflective of the best available science and that it is premature. Removing protections for wolves now would redefine what it means to recover an imperiled species. Bald eagles remained protected until they soared once again from coast to coast. Should our nation do any less for wolves? We must not allow this proposed rule to jeopardize a landmark conservation success. Please join us in sending a strong message to Secretary Jewell that we must finish the job and fully restore wolves to the American landscape. The deadline for signing on is Monday, Oct. 21. To sign on, please contact [email protected] in Rep. Grijalva’s office or [email protected] in Rep. Fitzpatrick’s office. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, /s /s Rep. Michael Fitzpatrick Rep. Raul M. Grijalva Member of Congress Member of Congress --------------
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 21:12:28 +0000

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