From: Mary Padgett Ministries, Inc. A Word In Due Season - TopicsExpress


From: Mary Padgett Ministries, Inc. A Word In Due Season KNOWING HIM AND BEING PERSUADED Scripture: II Timothy 1:12 For I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day. Shortly before the Apostle Paul was martyred, he wrote these words to Timothy, his son in the faith. He wanted Timothy to understand that to know God is to love God and to trust Him with every detail of your life. When you choose God, you choose a life of commitment and fulfillment. When you walk with Him, it leaves no room for fear and intimidation. You place your very life in His hands and come to the same conclusion that Job did, Though He slay me, yet I will trust Him. You stake your faith in Gods wisdom and you rely upon Him to keep you in all situations. Even when you sense that bad things are about to happen, you trust God to cause everything to work together for your good. True knowledge of God comes by a relationship that is bound together by times of communion and experiences that are shared. When you watch God intervene in your life and see Him push back your own personal sea of difficulty, like He did the Red Sea for the Israelites, you become acquainted with His power and His tremendous faithfulness. You begin to be persuaded that even though you cant see it, God is at work for you in the darkness of the hour that you are facing. When you have been nourished daily by supernatural manna or have actually watched God multiply your natural food when things were scarce, you become persuaded that He will continue to take care of all of your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus. When God walks with you in the midst of the fire or keeps you safe in the lions den, you accept it as an indication that He will be there beside you in the next danger that you encounter. In the midst of a raging storm, Jesus asked His disciples Where is your faith? He wanted to know who and what they believed in. Was their faith in the circumstances of the fierce hour that they were facing or was their faith in the Son of the Living God who was right there in the boat with them? Were they persuaded that the storm would take them or were they persuaded that Jesus would keep them in this moment of present danger? The Lord has not changed. He is still very interested and moved by the persuasion of our heart. He is touched when He knows whom we believe in and He honors our faith when we believe that He will keep those things which we have given and committed to Him. +++ Copyright © 2014 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved Posted With Permission Clint Mullins Sr (
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 02:22:24 +0000

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