From: Mary Padgett Ministries, Inc. A Word In Due Season - TopicsExpress


From: Mary Padgett Ministries, Inc. A Word In Due Season ALWAYS FOR ALL THINGS Scripture: Ephesians 5:20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God... This is the season that we set aside to give thanks and even celebrate a special day of Thanksgivings. Yet, for many of us the meaning of this special day is lost in the celebrations of the day itself. We become so busy cooking, visiting, and eating, that we forget what the day is all about and neglect to truly give thanks in our hearts for all that God has done for us. We may offer a special prayer because of the occasion, but our thoughts are on the feast set before us and our focus is on our fellowship with friends and family. However, Thanksgiving should be a continual celebration of our gratefulness to God. The Apostle Paul encouraged us to give thanks always for all things. While we recognize and give thanks to God when He does something special in our lives, there are many things that are more wonderful to us than the occasional extra blessings that we celebrate. We tend to get excited when a financial windfall comes our way but forget the blessings that we experience everyday in our lives. We take our eyes for granted and fail to give thanks for our sight. We give little thought to our ears or praise God regularly that we can hear, listen to music, or enjoy the sound of a childs voice. We never consider that even our mouths are a bountiful gift from God. Our tongues and lips equip us to communicate with each other and our teeth make it possible for us to eat food that is set before us. Even our legs that carry us places and the strength in our body is a gift from God. These are daily blessing that we enjoy, yet rarely are these wonderful blessings present in our daily list of things to be thankful for simply because we take them for granted. As we think about Gods awesome blessings to us, we realize that we cant attribute any of these blessings to our own success, for who can cause the eye to see or the ear to hear? Who can make the lame to walk or the dumb to speak? Who can infuse strength into our bodies and cause them to function properly? These things come to us because of the graciousness of God our Father and our gratitude should be directed to Him. We must never be so wrapped up in our blessings that we forget the One who blesses or look at our gifts and forget the Giver of all things, for our blessings come from the hand of God. Let us meditate on these things and be truly thankful to Him, for He has dealt bountiful with us. As long as we have air to breathe and lungs to breathe it, let us remember to be grateful and give thanks to God our Father, Always for All things! +++ Copyright © 2014 Mary Padgett Ministries Posted With Permission Clint Mullins Sr. (
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 01:32:07 +0000

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