From Matt Tanner - Sikeston graduate; Class of 1989 As a - TopicsExpress


From Matt Tanner - Sikeston graduate; Class of 1989 As a lifelong resident, former graduate, Sikeston businessman, and parent of an elementary student, I feel the need to speak out regarding the bond issue that will be before the voters on April 8. The proposed bond issue will address three things in our school district: building security, much-needed updates to the elementary and secondary facilities, and historically low interest rates for the bonds that will fund the building of these schools. One of the more serious issues facing our schools is building security. All of these school buildings have multiple exterior doors that allow unfettered access to classrooms and children. An intruder could access the school from more than one point leading to chaos. The design for these new facilities will keep our children safe. I dont know about you, but my small increase in taxes is worth the peace of mind for better security for my son. All that it takes for someone to understand the state of the current facilities is to just look at the age of the buildings. Drive by one or, even better, walk into one of them. The Lee Hunter and Matthews Elementary Schools were built in 1954 and 1955. Their infrastructure can no longer keep up with the technology that is needed to help our children compete with children in other states and around the world. However, this is not due to lack of maintenance. The fact that they are as functional as they are is remarkable in itself. And that is due, in no small part, to the job of SPS maintenance employees. They have made silk from a sows ear for many years. Now, its time to replace the sows ear. The time to act and to build is now. Interest rates are at historic lows and they won’t be like this forever. Rates only have one way to go and that is up. The bond rate will be approximately 3.5% for 20 years. If we wait and do this project in steps, a rate increase from 3.5% to 5% would cost the district an additional $7 million dollars in interest. What does this mean to the citizens of the Sikeston R6 District? We can build the new C building at the high school, the new building at the kindergarten, and tear down the Matthews Elementary building for this same amount of money. As you can see, the time to act is now. I believe that we must be good stewards of our schools, and I believe we are doing just that by asking our friends, family, and neighbors to commit to building school facilities that will provide the best environment to help our children learn. The bond issue addresses the most-pressing needs of the schools: security, updated facilities, and timing of low interest rates. I know we all understand that we are going to see an increase in our real estate and personal property taxes. I am a staunch conservative, and this sort of goes against my way of thinking. However, I will get to see my tax money at work. I will be able to put my hands on it and see it with my own eyes. Typically, we don’t see the tangible results of the taxes we pay; this money will be used on something we can see, touch, and take a vested interest in. I encourage everyone to consider what the new schools will do for the morale of our Sikeston and for further economic development. We have several exciting projects happening right now and we need to keep the momentum going. I support this bond issue wholeheartedly and I hope you do as well. Vote yes on April 8! Matt Tanner, Sikeston graduate Class of 1989 Concerned parent of a fourth grade student at Matthews Elementary Go Dogs!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 15:24:11 +0000

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