From: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger - TopicsExpress


From: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (naturalnews/046097_biotech_genocide_monsanto_collaborators_media_sellouts.html) History should have taught us to proceed with caution any time a branch of science or politics insists that it has an exclusive monopoly on truth, to the exclusion of all else. Usually these are red flags that some sort of dictatorship is emerging: a political dictatorship in the case of Adolf Hitler, and the rapidly emerging scientific dictatorship being pushed by todays GMO advocates. The warning signs that GMO science is following Nazi science are difficult to ignore. There is already a kind of scientific dictatorship surrounding GMOs which routinely invokes mafia-style tactics to silence scientific opposition, blacklist GMO skeptics in scientific circles, and destroy the character and careers of any who oppose the biotech regime. Monsantos suing of farmers whose fields are contaminated with GMO seeds is especially grievous, and the online activities and tactics of its supporters very closely resemble the criminal mindedness of Hitlers Brownshirts. Monsantos actions in India smack of extreme social injustice and have been linked to the suicide deaths of hundreds of thousands of Indian farmers whose GMO crops failed, leaving them in a state of economic destitution. In a world of the People, by the People and for the People, the seeds of food crops should never be monopolized by powerful corporations. Seeds are a cultural heritage and must belong to everyone as a key foundation of sustainable life and farming for human civilization. Monsanto and the biotech industry stand in stark contrast to these ideas, invoking monopoly market tactics, strong-arm scientific intimidation and extreme aggression in the courts and legislative processes.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 08:51:25 +0000

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