From Mirconesias leading newspaper since 1972 recommending the - TopicsExpress


From Mirconesias leading newspaper since 1972 recommending the Life on Mars videos of Andrew D. Basiago & Alfred Lambremont Webre ;-) mvariety/cnmi/cnmi-news/editorials/69785-thoughts-on-a-monday-morning-the-typhoon-mars-and-the-moon Thoughts on a Monday Morning: The typhoon, Mars, and the moon AS I write this, a scary typhoon named Vongfong is heading straight for the Marianas. It’s hundreds of miles southeast of us, so I am enjoying the calm before the storm. I plan to go to the grocery store and buy a few supplies, just in case we get clobbered. And that is a prospect that could very well happen. The only near-typhoon I ever experienced was in September of 2009. I was living in a rented house on Beach Road, right on the ocean, and the landlord’s helpers covered my windows with plywood, which made the house pitch dark inside. When it hit, it was bad, but not terrible. Mostly it roared loudly and flooded a lot of water under my front door, which then ran into the living room. I went through all of my towels, trying to keep the water from flooding the house. I succeeded, but I hoped that it was the last typhoon of my new life on Saipan. Anyhow, the word is that Vongfong is making a bee line for us. I have stocked extra water, candles, batteries for the radio, and plenty of canned soups. I have a generator, but after years of not using it — well, it won’t start now. About all any of us can do now — in addition to making preparations — is to pray. Pray that Vongfong finds another target besides the Marianas. The Moon, Mars and YouTube The past couple of weeks I have written about fascinating YouTube videos I have seen, which you can see too. The videos I refer to are either long lectures or interviews with extremely interesting people. In their talks, the speakers reveal things that seem totally impossible, but the speakers are serious. It gets even more interesting when other people confirm what the first speaker said, or that many people say the same thing. That’s when the head-scratching begins. Let me give you an example. According to several speakers, the U.S. has a military base on the planet Mars, and has had for some time. Additionally there are 100,000 people living there in a large underground city, or series of cities. There are also Martians, who look like us, except that they are a little broader and stockier. But of course there are no photos of Martians, or at least not for public view. Of the speakers about Mars, Alfred Lambremont Webre (who is a Canadian Judge and also a U.S. attorney), and Andrew Basiago, J.D., M.C.R.P. (Dist), M.Phil., are the most adamant. Weber knows more about the politics of the cover-ups, but Basiago claims to have actually been to Mars and has spent time on the red planet. Basiago’s story is compelling, because he speaks well and seems to be sure about the facts he relates. The ‘Jump Room’ “In El Segundo, California, in a CIA laboratory, there is an elevator that transports a human being onto Mars, or any other planet with a solid ground. Mars is well known because it has been tested many, many times for the test runs. This technology came about from reverse engineering of a crashed spaceship which was sent from Alpha Centauri, the constellation made famous from the movie Avatar. Although it was well known in the scientific and conspiracy theorist community; it was hardly news in the real world. The scientists discovered that through the consciousness of a human or alien mind, the ship sets a destination you desire, and opens up a worm hole in front of the ship which transports you to the destination of your liking. This sounds like ‘Star Wars’ or ‘Star Gate’ type hogwash, but two of the top CIA officials have come out to talk about this ‘Jump Room’. Andrew D. Basiago has been the biggest and the most resourceful evidence of this Jump Room, which was created from reverse engineering.” Quoted from: krschannel/Jump-Room-Mars.html What makes this even more unbelievable is that, unlike the conventional space missions, the Jump Room uses “dimensional” travel, via a wormhole. So one moment Andrew Basiago was in El Segundo, and a moment later the elevator doors open and he steps out, onto the Martian surface. Do I believe any of this? Good question. If you watch Andrew Basiago’s videos, he certainly sounds sincere and believable. He was on a popular late night radio show, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, when a second Jump Room participant called in to verify what Basiago had said. His name was William Stillings, and Basiago knew him well. Both had been to Mars together. Now it gets really weird Both Basiago and Stillings claim that a young Barrack Obama also went to Mars. Back then, his name was Barry Soetoro, and both of the guys knew him. Moreover, according to the CIA, Obama had already been pre-selected to become president of the United States! This was in the early 1980’s, when they were all around 20 years old. I love this. I don’t quite believe it, but I like the idea that our president went to Mars. The Moon Although I don’t recall the specific speakers, many of the YouTube people (many on Project Camelot or Project Avalon) have had extremely interesting things to say about the moon. For one thing, there are, and have been, bases on the moon for a very long time. They are on the dark side of the moon, so they can’t easily be seen. Because the moon is the only planet that does not revolve, it is possible for the dark side to remain dark permanently. Not only does the U.S. have a moon base, but other countries, including Russia and China, also have bases there. Oh yes, there are alien bases there also. That is, if you believe this stuff. One thing that several of the speakers said was that our astronauts, which landed on the moon in 1969 and early 1970’s saw aliens in the distance as well as alien vehicles. They were all affected by this. Neil Armstrong, maybe our most famous astronaut, refused to talk about his experiences on the moon, and wouldn’t give any interviews. He was uncomfortable with his lunar experience. Sound crazy? Absolutely. But watch Alfred Webre or Andrew Basiago’s YouTube videos and see what you think. Opinions expressed by Marianas Variety contributors are their own.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 00:44:51 +0000

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