From My Front Porch: Returning to my porch on this beautiful - TopicsExpress


From My Front Porch: Returning to my porch on this beautiful crisp fall morning. As I was walking out the door, the Lord placed this scripture on my mind, so I suppose I need to share with you. Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary. - Isaiah 40:31 NASB WAIT FOR, MOUNT UP, RUN AND, WALK AND... Those are the phrases that really leap off the page at me. I greatly dislike to WAIT on anything or anyone. I want things to happen in a orderly and speedy process, yet God often tells me to WAIT for His will to be revealed and implemented in my life. What/who are you WAITNG on? MOUNT UP - my first thought is an old western term which means get on your horse and get ready to go so, while we are WAITNG on God to reveal His plan, we are to MOUNT other words, be ready to go! Should God give the word to go, are you MOUNTed UP and ready? RUN and - Ill be the first to admit, the only time I run is when I am motivated by extreme circumstances (a snake is such an example) funny thing is, God takes about RUNning quite often.... RUNning the race, RUN for the prize. RUNning take endurance, stamina, willpower, and determination. Are you RUNning WITH God, AHEAD of God, BEHIND God, or AWAY from God? The last phrase is WALK. WALKing comes natural in the human growth process, however, there are many people in this old world who cannot WALK due to physical limitations. WALKing can appear to be quite easy, yet often requires much effort. A steady (daily) WALK with God will greatly enhance your spiritual stamina and go a long way in preparing you to be ready when He reveals His plan. Are you WALKing with God on a consistent basis or are you content to simply sit and soak? The choice is up to you! Not sure who this young man is in this video, but this song I remember being sung from my childhood. I pray it will minister to you as you WAIT on God to reveal HIS plan!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 11:50:42 +0000

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