From My Personal Case Files Continued. Case : Shocked As you - TopicsExpress


From My Personal Case Files Continued. Case : Shocked As you recall the other day I had just checked my gear. Officer K turned the corner carefully and proceeded at a snails pace around the corner, so to not cause what I believed was a dog, to flee from us. As Officer K inched forward I caught a glimpse of a black tail. I saw the tail sticking out from an alley behind a fence. Wait the tail looked wrong. It did not a pitties tail. It was a bit bushy. Officer K and I exchanged looks. We pulled up to the alley prepared to have to give chase. A dog black, brown and white stepped out. It was skinny and stood looking at us. It was not a pit bull it was a younger dog, just over a year. It might have been a rotti cross or german shephard mix. I told Officer K, I would get out and try to get the dog. As passenger it was easier that way. I reached behind me to unclip a multi colour leash off the metal barrier between us and the cargo area. I had the leash and was looping it I managed that and took a deep breath to see if the dog was friend or foe. We had seen no indication to have us think either way. I opened the door, swung it wide when before I could get my leg out the dog charged me. I had no time to react it reached the door in an unreal rate of speed, leaving me no time to slam the door. It all happened so fast. Maybe today was my day to be bitten. The dog lunged. I sat frozen. The dog ran at me there was no way I could get the door closed or to my bite stick. The dog jumped. I haf very little time. There was no where to go. Officer K could do nothing to help. I could not even get my arms up fast enough. I felt the dog hit my leg. I felt it land on me. I saw its open mouth.I could feel the heat of its breath on my face. It came toward my face. I pulled my head back in an attempt to keep it away from my face. My arms went up. I got my hands on the dog but it was too little too late. I closed my eyes just in time. I felt hot, wet liquid on my cheek. The next thing I heard was Officer K. She was the sort of person that intimidated people by standing there. She was certainly misunderstood. Officer K did not put up with things but did not show any sign of being unreasonable. I enjoyed spending time with her. We were a bit older than the rest of the officers and thought alike on some things. I heard a loud sound from Officer K and was aware the dog had all four feet on me and was in the van entirely. I felt the tail hit me on the arm. It was then I realized the dog had jumped into the vehicle and the noise I heard from Officer K was laughter. The hard hit from the tail continued the dog was wagging its tail and its tongue hanging out of its mouth. It was wearing a goofy grin. It had licked me in the face. I got out and started to laugh as the dog tried to lick Officer Ks face, something she disliked. We laughed and pet the dog. It had no collar and no tattoo or identification. We placed it in a kennel and in the back of the van. We headed back in to the shelter after briefly looking for the other dog. It was nowhere to be seen. Not every call was serious there and you just never knew how they would end. We just assumed this was not the dog that was called in because of the description. Some days were easy and ended with a laugh as this call had. Some calls were much more serious and laughing would be something I still would not do to this day. Some I will never forget and some dogs suffered so needlessly. I carry one such pit bull in my heart to this day. I only knew him for about half an hour or 45 minutes. This dog will live forever in my memory and heart. I may be the only one that loved him. The next story is about this dog. His name, Maximus. His story had no place for laughter. His story had no place for a smile. His story brought tears to my eyes for the first time doing this job, although my tears were hid and only shed in the van. The tears ran down my cheeks and dropped on my uniform. I knew Maximus was alive in the back of the van. I heard him whine occasionally. It was a weak, whine laced with fatigue and pain. He lay on a blanket on the floor in the cargo area. I did not dare put him in a kennel in the condition he was in. I wiped the tears off my face. Picked up the radio mike to make the call. I already knew where I was going. Permission, as the shelter required was a formality. I put the van in drive and headed in the direction I knew I had to go to get to my destination post haste. Lights rotating on the top of the van, a hypnotic whirring noise came from them as the light rotated. I listened to that sound trying to keep my thoughts off what I had seen and knew. I had a job to do. I had to stay focused. Officer C calling base Go ahead Officer C. Dispatch, Is Officer G, there? I knew what I had to do, I knew what I had to say. Officer G was my supervisor. We were requires to contact them immediately on a case like this. Officer C, Go ahead, Officer G here. TO BE CONTINUED? I hope you were not too disappointed at the ending of Shocked. If you want to hear more about Maximus, in the story called INTUITION. I need you to let me, comment or both. If you want more join me Saturday evening here. ~~~Sharice~~~ The dog below is not Maximus but bares a strong resemblance to him. thatmutt/web/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Sisco-1.jpg possibly underr the year. p
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 04:40:09 +0000

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