From NAIRBROTHERHOOD …….. India is hailed as a nation of - TopicsExpress


From NAIRBROTHERHOOD …….. India is hailed as a nation of unity in diversity by the constitutional forefathers at the time of the formation of a newly liberated country. And the solo slowly repeated again and again as a chorus by the succeeding rulers to create an artificial impression to show that all was good in India But the attitude of the leaders during the partition and the formation of the new republic was that of a sigh of relief as they never expected the rehabilitation process would be that much simple as it should be. Because the communal clashes during the partition in different areas of the newly formed countries and the war broke out in the northern sector made it a point of discussion in the international diplomatic world as a major issue to be tackled by the newly formed UN soon after the still alive problems of second world war and the decolonization taking place in different parts of the world.AT THE SAME TIME THE LACK OF ADMINISTRATIONAL EXPERIENCE OF THE LEADERS OF THE NEWLY LIBERATED INDIA TO TACKLE VARIOUS ISSUES WERE REALLY A MATTER OF CONCERN. And at the same time the problems of the oppressed class was considered sympathetically and unanimously by the leadership, considering the mood of the Independence. The psychology of the Indian leaders was to appear as progressive and modern in outlook in front of the western media and governments persuaded them to prepare a NOVEL AND MODEL CONSTITUTION to safeguard the interests of the lower strata of society. More than that ,the presence of a large population of CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES WERE STILL ACTIVE in India though their main sponsors that is, the Colonial rulers had already left. The country. The missionaries now got an additional responsibility to take care the colonial corporate interests and they feared that the democratic India might not that much receptive to the vested interests of the CHURCH AND THE CORPORATES because of the proximity of the new Indian government towards the COMMUNIST SOVIET UNION. All these factors made the leaders to add new features to the constitution like THE INCLUSION OF OBC’S IN THE PREVILEGED GROUP which was never in the discussions at any given time of the discussions and debates for the construction of the constitution. THIS WAS THE MAJOR POINT IN PUTTING THE LATER GENERATIONS OF THE SO CALLED FORWARD COMMUNITIES AND THE GOVERNMENTS IN A VICIOUS CIRCLE OF THE CASTE BASED RESERVATION SYSTEM. BECAUSE IT INSTITUTIONALISED THE ORIGINAL CASTE SYSTEM IN THE DEMOCRATIC INDIA AS AN UNERADICABLE ESTABLISHMENT EVEN IN THIS TWENTI FIRST CENTURY.THE BENEFICIARIES TOO BECAME PREY OF THIS PERVERTED ESTABLISHMENT OF” CONSTITUTIONAL CASTE SYSTEM “ TO HAVE AN INFERIORITY COMPLEX AMONG THE PEOPLE WHO GOT FAVORS OF THE PREVILEGE BEFORE THE MAINSTREAN POPULATION .THIS WAS MORE VULGAR AND RIDCULOUS THAN THE CASTE SYSTEM BASED ON THE TRADITIONAL “VARNA THEORY”.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 10:57:52 +0000

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