From Nicole: Another horrible Monday: I had an old man get - TopicsExpress


From Nicole: Another horrible Monday: I had an old man get very irate with me today because his Oxycodone prescription was too soon to fill until tomorrow. It had been filled on 10/14 for a 30-day supply, so doing the math, it would be able to fill on 11/11 per the two-day early policy. He said that it was actually okay to fill today because 10/13 was a holiday and he should have filled it that day. After arguing back and forth about how that made absolutely no difference on the fill date whatsoever, I eventually just got one of the pharmacists to come over and confirm that it could not be filled until tomorrow without okay from the doctor to fill it today. He said whatever and that he would just go fill it somewhere else to which I replied okay bye, because he was holding up the drop off line. Hours later, I am at consultation with a mother who is picking up an amoxicillin suspension prescription for her young child for the first time. I was telling her about storage, using one bottle at a time, how the syringes are dosed, etc. as she had some questions. While I am doing this, the irate idiot from earlier sticks a bottle over her shoulder in my face and informs me that he got it filled somewhere else and called me a dummy. I said thank you thats great, I am with a patient. He continues to mouth off about how the pharmacist who I called earlier and myself are dumb and dumber and repeatedly pointing to me and referring to me as that dummy over there. A different pharmacist came over and told him that his repeated harassment of me was really uncalled for and he replied that yes it was because that dummy made me drive all the way to another pharmacy to get this filled and I had to wait an hour over there and waste gas. At this point I said its fine just ignore him and I rolled my eyes and walked away to help the other multitude of customers waiting for my help. On his way out of the pharmacy he stands behind the customer Im helping and keeps waving at me to get my attention, but I ignore him and he leaves. I felt it was really stressful and harassing to be in the middle of helping patients and have this old idiot continuously interrupt me to insult me.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 04:56:29 +0000

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