From October 27 to November 6, the Council of Canadians and local - TopicsExpress


From October 27 to November 6, the Council of Canadians and local partners will visit communities in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to talk about why TransCanada’s proposed Energy East pipeline is all risk and little reward for Atlantic Canada. Join Council of Canadians Chairperson Maude Barlow, journalist and Gulf of Mexico BP oil spill speaker Cherri Foytlin, Andrea Harden-Donahue, Energy Campaigner with the Council of Canadians and Maria Recchia, Executive Director, Fundy North Fishermens Association in Saint John on Oct 29 to hear about the project, how to protect our waterways and the risks of a pipeline and tanker spill. Free admission! October 29 – Saint John, NB, Lily Lake Pavillion, 55 Lake Dr S., Saint John, NB (map)Event starts at 7:00 p.m., Facebook event: Join the facebook event for updates and details! Share with your friends, family and colleagues! To find out more about the tour: Supporting groups include: Conservation Council of New Brunswick, Fundy BayKeeper, Speaker bio’s: Cherri Foytlin is a journalist, speaker and mother of six who lives in south Louisiana. She is the author of Spill It! The Truth About the Deep Water Horizon Oil Rig Explosion, and regularly contributes to the Huffington Post, and several local newspapers. In the Spring of 2011 she walked to Washington D.C. from New Orleans (1,243 miles) to call for action to stop the BP Drilling Disaster, and has been a constant voice speaking out for the health and ecosystem of Gulf Coast communities, in countless forms of media. Maude Barlow is the National Chairperson of the Council of Canadians and chairs the board of Washington-based Food and Water Watch. She is a board member of the San Francisco–based International Forum on Globalization and a Councillor with the Hamburg-based World Future Council. Maude is the recipient of eleven honorary doctorates as well as many awards. In 2008/2009, she served as Senior Advisor on Water to the 63rd President of the United Nations General Assembly and was a leader in the campaign to have water recognized as a human right by the UN. She is also the author of dozens of reports, as well as 17 books, including her latest, Blue Future: Protecting Water For People And The Planet Forever. Maria Recchia, Executive Director, Fundy North Fishermens Association Maria has worked with Fundy North for over ten years. She has been involved in small-scale fisheries issues since 1991 and has worked with fishermen and women in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Maine, Massachusetts and Italy. She has marine biology and anthropology training and has worked for several non-profit organizations. Background Information: TransCanada’s Energy East pipeline project would ship 1.1 million barrels of oil every day, including tar sands crude, from Alberta to ports in Cacouna, Quebec and Saint John New Brunswick. It would be the largest oil pipeline in North America. Atlantic Canadians are being asked to burden the risks that are being rejected by mounting opposition to tar sands pipelines in Western Canada and the U.S. Jobs: TransCanada has a bad track record on job promises, which will primarily be short-term. Up to 1 million barrels per day is expected to be exported, unrefined. It won’t reduce costs at gas pumps or deter companies from shipping oil by rail. The risks are serious. Diluted bitumen produced in the tar sands is unlike conventional oil – a spill would have devastating environmental impacts that are nearly impossible to clean up, as seen with the Enbridge pipeline spill in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Energy East would see tankers in the Bay of Fundy double or triple in number, putting the waters depended on for fishing, tourism and whale habitat at risk of a diluted bitumen spill. The vast majority of the tar sands crude that would be pumped through the Energy East pipeline is for export. We get all the risk, they get all the reward. The pipeline would result in more than 650,000 barrels per day of additional tar sands production, which means even more toxic exposure for downstream communities in Alberta. The increased production would also generate up to 32 million tonnes of carbon emissions each year – more than any single Atlantic province. Investing in fossil fuel infrastructure detracts from needed investments in a green energy future.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 05:14:05 +0000

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