From October this year, this is about the moose hunt in Sweden but - TopicsExpress


From October this year, this is about the moose hunt in Sweden but I think each and every of these words can easily be applied to Faroese pilot whale harvest and the pictures related to it. By moose hunter Karl Högbom Now the moose hunt has started. Expectations are on top in the Swedish forests. Dogs are trained, certificates are packed, the hunting party is gathered, the lively stories of last years hunting experiences silenced not until hunting leader clears his throat firmly and speaks. In a few hours, social media will be filled with pictures of the hunters with animals they have killed. A proud posturing hunter with his best friend, the dog, shows off his trophy - or maybe not even that, maybe just a picture that says I killed. This raises of course reactions. Is it okay to post hunting pictures of dead animals? My answer is yes. As a hunter, I do not see that nasty, distasteful thing with hunting pictures. I see instead the picture as proof that a group of people together has pursued a hobby with good results. We manage to keep Swedens wildlife populations at an appropriate level, while we prevent wildlife accidents and protects Swedens young forests. Hunting is natural, and hunting provides food on the table in the form of a clear conscience. Will I be pissed at people who are cursing at us hunters for this? Yes! I know that 99 percent of you are on your way home from work go into the grocery store and buy factory farmed pork. For it is good, and gives satiety, but mainly because its cheap. And with that it should be inexpensive so many people choose is often Danish pork. You can cook the meal together with some stylish accessories that are shipped all over the Earths oceans, and then upload this dinner on as many social feeds you can in as little time as possible. A plate where the animal is paying the price. Nothing is free. When something is cheap, someone else always pay the price - in the garment industry, it is child labor and in the food industry is that animal. Did you know that your Friday dinner can neither move forward or backward? That it received two-thirds of the worlds all antibiotics injected itself without even being sick, been fed growth hormones to make room in the slaughter house for the next litter, active beaten with plastic pipes to speed up the queues at the slaughterhouse? The consequences include bed sores and chafing from the cages. 90 percent of all pigs living with lesions in the stomach. The cheap pork low price in kroner is paid by instead of the pigs health and wellbeing. So what is the worst? A pig dinner or a shot moose? I pose on pictures with dead animals that I killed and I and call it wildlife management, whereas you eat a pork tenderloin dinner and call it everyday luxury. The ignorant Swede has again proven its credentials. It lives in a bubble where they actively choose not to see the reality, but lets egoism out on animal welfare. I am ashamed to live in a country where you are importing 40,000 tonnes of Danish pork every year, but Im proud to be a hunter.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 01:41:42 +0000

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