From Pastor Bright: PLEASE READ NOW TO CLAIM YOUR PROMISE! Theme: - TopicsExpress


From Pastor Bright: PLEASE READ NOW TO CLAIM YOUR PROMISE! Theme: IT IS NOT OVER YET! Do U know it is very disheartening when U are expecting a good news and it turns out to be a bad news? Are U tired of hearing news of disappointment? Is that bad news giving U health implication? Do U know it is not easy but a situation can make U ask “why me”? Do U know a situation can also make U ask “O LORD, how long shall I cry”? Hab. 1:1. Are U wondering when will your story change? Are U trusting human being for good news than God? Do U know human being has an expiring date? Are U trusting the voice of those asking U “when” than the voice of God? Do U feel like U are doing something wrong so God is no longer hearing U? Do U feel like your colleagues are taken lead of U? Do U feel like age or an expiring date is catching your promise or prophesy? Are U yielding to the pressure of people than the word of God? Do U feel like giving up? I have good news for U. Do U know there is nothing too hard for the LORD? Gen. 18:14. Do U know your promise is for an appointed time, though it tarries but will SURELY come to pass according to time of life? Hab. 2:3, Gen. 18:14b. Do U know a thousand years is like a day before the LORD and the LORD is not delaying concerning your promise? 2Pet. 3:8. Now, hear the LORD JESUS, “DO NOT LET YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED; YOU BELIEVE IN GOD, BELIEVE ALSO IN ME. IN ME YOU MAY HAVE PEACE. IN THE WORLD YOU WILL HAVE TRIBULATION; BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD.” John 14: 1. 16:33. DECLARATION: Today, I . . . (your name), no matter the pressure of people, I will never cast away my confidence to receive my promise in the name of Jesus Christ! Heb. 10:35. PRAYER: May the LORD bless U now as He did not postpone the blessings of Jacob! Gen. 32:26. May the LORD bring your future to now like He did for Jacob! May the LORD make the impossible possible in your life like He did for Abraham in Jesus name!!! Gen. 21:1.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 06:30:05 +0000

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