From Pastor Bright: Read and Declare to Experience the Real Love - TopicsExpress


From Pastor Bright: Read and Declare to Experience the Real Love of God! Theme: THE POWER OF GOD’S LOVE At times, a situation can make you ask, “Does God really love me?” This is a legitimate question, based on what U are passing through. Now, what really is GOD’S LOVE? GOD’S LOVE is a walk of life. A walk of life is a domain/ territory/ an atmosphere that is found by revelation or discovery. When a person walks in an environment where the sun is scorching, he/she looks for a place that is cold or airy to rest. In every walk of life, there is a resting point and then a destination. Resting point is a place to refresh your life; to feed your soul and body. That resting point is GOD’S LOVE. The destination is God’s kingdom. GOD’S LOVE needs to be discovered. It is unconditionally pre-existed with every provision for abundant living. Yours is to discover by FAITH. Now, when a person gets to that domain (God’s love), he is warmly received and given POWER to enjoy everything thereof. THE FACT THAT U GET TO THAT DOMAIN DOESNT MEAN THE SUN-RAY OR THE STORM OR THE RAIN OR THE HASTY WEATHER ON THE OTHER SIDE HAS STOPPED. But yours is to remain in that shade of comfort and safety (God’s love) for abundant living. A person can choose to be worried about what goes on outside that comfort zone, but that is a choice. The Bible says, “For he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He rewards those who diligently SEEK Him” Heb. 11:6b. GOD’S LOVE is a satisfactory zone! A place of abundant life! (John 3:16). You need not to be worried about the storms (money, health, business or marriage). A log already in water doesnt worry whether the weather is hot or cold. YOURS IS TO REMAIN PATIENTLY IN THAT SHADE AND MAKE IT YOUR ZONE OF SUFFICIENCY. In that zone is LOVE, and “God is love, and he who ABIDES in love ABIDES in God, and God IN Him” 1 John 4:18. GOD’S LOVE IS PERFECT! WHERE THERE IS PERFECT LOVE, THERE IS NO FEAR OR TORMENT; WHERE THERE IS NO FEAR OR TORMENT, THERE IS NO DEATH; WHERE THERE IS NO DEATH, THERE IS LIFE OF ABUNDANCE. (Jh. 10:10). Get this, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love”1John. 4:18. DECLARATION: LORD, today, I (your name) remain in your LOVE for abundant living in Jesus Christ name!!! PRAYER: As U declare, may the perfect love of God, casts out any fear, torment, pain, and death in your life, in Jesus Christ name!!!!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 03:22:23 +0000

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