From Pastor Bright: Read and Declare to know the secrets of prayer - TopicsExpress


From Pastor Bright: Read and Declare to know the secrets of prayer that works Theme: KEYS TO UNLOCK MY PRAYERS (Part 3) Jesus says, “WHATEVER THINGS YOU ASK WHEN YOU PRAY, BELIEVE THAT YOU RECEIVE THEM, AND YOU WILL HAVE THEM.” Mark11:24. The greatest enemy to your prayers is not delay but doubt. James says, “BUT WHEN YOU PRAY, YOU MUST BELIEVE AND NOT DOUBT AT ALL. WHOEVER DOUBTS IS LIKE A WAVE IN THE SEA THAT IS DRIVEN AND BLOWN ABOUT BY THE WIND.” JAMES 1:6. Prayer is not monologue or soliloquy but a dialogue between U and God. In a dialogue one must also wait for the other to respond. Waiting is in twofold. 1. Wait silently for a while after prayer and tune your mind to the spirit for a response. 2. Wait patiently for an answer in the Lord’s own time. “DO NOT BE ANXIOUS ABOUT ANYTHING, BUT IN EVERY SITUATION, BY PRAYER AND PETITION, WITH THANKSGIVING, PRESENT YOUR REQUESTS TO GOD.” Phil. 4:6. There is no pressure in asking. A good beggar doesnt chase any car for alms but wait in traffic where the cars may stop. How do U feel when a beggar pressure U for what belongs to U? WHEN PRAYING, TAKE TIME AND CHOOSE YOUR WORDS CORRECTLY. A beggar who cannot express his points, sounds deceptive. Prayer is by knowing what to ask, how to ask and when to ask. Prayer is not only a request. In prayer, let thanksgiving precedes request. Do not ask God for anything if U have not thanked Him for what he had already done for U. HOW WILL U FEEL IF U GAVE ALMS TO SOMEBODY AND THE PERSON DID NOT THANK U BEFORE ASKING FOR MORE? In worship do not make any request. If you can, list all your prayer points before you pray. A DRIVER MAY NOT LOWER HIS WINDOWS IN TRAFFIC BUT MAY READ IF A BEGGAR HAS HIS REQUEST INSCRIBED ON A SHEET OR BOARD. A donor may also not meet a beneficiary but will donate if he/she reads about the need to give. DECLARATION: LORD, today, I (your name) receive the key to unlock every answer to my prayers in Jesus Christ name!!! PRAYER: As U declare, I decree October be your month of unlimited abundance in Jesus mighty name!!!
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 08:23:17 +0000

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