[From Pastor Mark] Day 298: From My Reading in Luke - TopicsExpress


[From Pastor Mark] Day 298: From My Reading in Luke 10 Title: Choose Wisely Scripture: Luke 10:39-40 (NIV)--She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” Observation: Okay, some have the gift of hospitality and some dont. Some dont mind people showing up at their home unannounced and some dont like it at all. Some can sit and serve a guest by giving them their time. Others are more comfortable serving guest by doing things for them. This was the perfect storm that was created when Jesus and his twelve disciples showed up at Mary and Marthas home announced. Martha immediately jumped into serving and quickly found herself exasperated by all that she wanted to do for her guest. Mary made a choice to engage her guest in conversation and serve them, especially Jesus, by giving Him her undivided attention. So when Martha came to Jesus demanding that He make Mary, her sister, help in the preparation, how would Jesus respond? Who would he reprimand? Application: It was a respectable gesture of a hostess in the ancient world to extend the courtesies of foot washing and meal preparation to his or her guests. When Jesus entered Mary and Martha home both sisters jumped into action serving their guests. Martha began to prepare a meal for her guest, but she may have wanted to do something a little extra special for Jesus and was getting herself all worked up in the process. She was beginning to worry. She was feeling overworked and unable to enjoy her guests. In her quest to serve Jesus Martha was loosing sight of the reason Jesus was even at her home in the first place. Mary was sitting attentively at Jesus feet listening to what He taught. Child of God there is nothing wrong with what either of these sisters chose to do for Jesus. Jesus did not criticize Mary or Mary for their initial decisions, but Jesus did help Martha realize that zeal to serve The Lord could become mere busywork if she did not keep check of her attitudes. And all of us need to understand that service to God that begins to feel like busywork is no longer work that is fully devoted to God. Keep check of your attitudes towards service to our Almightily God. Is it done with joy or dread? Make sure whatever you do for The Lord leaves you ample time to sit and linger at the feet of Jesus. Prayer: Type A personality alert: This is difficult to hear Lord. I love to serve You and I can fall into the trap of wanting to do the little bit extra for You that consumes a little more of my time and attention and less of my focus is actually on You and Your teaching. Help me to make more time to sit with You and listen! I dont want to rob myself of what You have in store for me.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 13:30:49 +0000

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