From Patriots Defending America: This is not about whether or - TopicsExpress


From Patriots Defending America: This is not about whether or not you support the concept of Universal Healthcare. This is about people who were elected into the US Congress to Represent Americans, who turned around and sold us out to Private Industries. This is not your typical rant against Obamacare, so stick with me for a minute and some of you may learn some facts that have been flying below the radar of the mainstream media. Nobody with a semblance of morality wants to see someone go without medical treatment when they’re sick or see someone who has worked hard all of his/her life lose everything due to developing an illness. But, there are many ways to approach lowering medical costs. For many years ideas have been floating around about how to accomplish this. One idea that came up and started to gain some momentum was to expand Medicare to include a Non-profit healthcare insurance OPTION. The government had a study done to decide whether it was feasible and not surprisingly, the results came back that it would save Americans a HUGE amount of money. Not only would it reduce the initial premiums, but also it would put them in a very strong negotiating position to reduce prices in the pharmaceutical and healthcare products market. (Heres the link to the study report- facebook/l.php? ) Needless to say, when the report came out, the healthcare insurance industry, the pharma industry, and the healthcare products industry all went into a PANIC. They started THROWING money at Congress. In 5 years they spent over $2.1 Billion in lobbying and contributions to the parties and individuals in Congress. They didn’t want to just STOP this option. They wanted to turn it around and make it into something that would benefit THEM. This is what led to Obamacare. One big red herring being used to promote Obamacare has been the 80/20 split mandated for the healthcare insurance industry. What they don’t make public knowledge is that the report based on the original option had shown that the industry was ALREADY operating at an 80/20 split. That’s right. The insurance industry did not have to reduce their profits AT ALL. The second selling point has been the “reduced” cost due to the subsidies. Stop and think about that. The insurance company is still getting the full amount. The federal government is paying them the subsidy. Where is the federal government getting the money for the subsidies? YOUR TAXES! You are still going to pay the FULL AMOUNT for your coverage. You’re just paying part of it to the government first in the form of TAXES. Another selling point has been an increase in those who will qualify for Medicaid. Once again what they aren’t discussing is where the money is going to come from. The estimate is that there will be an additional 15.9 Million people on Medicaid by 2019. The average annual cost currently for a person on Medicaid is $8,020. That equates to $127.5 Billion annually. Where will the money come from? TAXES! A final selling point to touch on, since you’re probably getting tired of reading by now, is healthcare insurance for pre-existing conditions. This really is going to help people with pre-existing conditions and for that I am grateful. But, what they seldom discuss is what this is going to do to everyone else’s premiums. Keep in mind; the insurance companies have that holy 80/20 split. When they start paying out medical costs for pre-existing conditions, they can roll those actual increases into everyone else’s premiums and they can toss in an extra 25%. Think about it. If they have to pay out an extra $10 Billion annually because of pre-existing conditions, they can increase their total premiums by $12.5 Billion and still be in their 80/20 Split. Now, to put all of this in a nutshell. We were sold out to a private industry for $2.1 Billion. There was no attempt whatsoever to reduce medical costs in any way. They could have looked at malpractice insurance, defensive medicine, pharm/healthcare product profits, or as they intended, a non-profit healthcare insurance. So many options were available. After $2.1 Billion, their choice was to force us, under threat, to buy from a private industry, at their existing profit margins…. The US Congress quit representing the people of America long ago. This just happens to be the biggest atrocity to date.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 22:41:35 +0000

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