From Penny4NASA Houston, we have a problem. Are the astronauts - TopicsExpress


From Penny4NASA Houston, we have a problem. Are the astronauts currently living on board the International Space Station fighting for their lives? No. The image you see here is a poster for the movie “Gravity,” in theaters now. Of course, a movie is just a movie, but that doesn’t mean NASA isn’t experiencing serious impacts from the government shutdown. There are 6 astronauts in space at the moment, 2 of which are NASA astronauts. After recognizing the irony that comes along with “Gravity” hitting theaters within the same few days as the government shutdown, here are the facts: The government is shutdown and NASA is experiencing the brunt of it. 97% of NASA employees have been furloughed (forced not to come to work with pay docked accordingly). Their phone lines are down, as are the NASA website and many agency Twitter feeds. One of the few lines of communication that remain open is with the International Space Station, where six astronauts, including two from NASA, are still working in orbit. A skeleton crew remains at Mission Control in Houston, talking to the astronauts and trying to keep them occupied. Thanks to researchers employed by the California Institute of Technology and other universities, Curiosity is still driving on Mars for the time being until funds run out. Some other projects are still go, including the soon-to-launch Mars-atmosphere spacecraft MAVEN. Hubble is still up-and-running and can be so for a few more weeks, but if the cash runs out, the scope will be aimlessly floating around until the Goddard Space Flight Center reopens. This shutdown couldn’t have come at a worse time. Now we need to save NASA from the shutdown in addition to fighting for the an increase in the administration’s budget. NASA is important. Science and space exploration are essential to both current problems and the long-term survival of the human race. Help us spread the word. Take Action To Save NASA: Tell Congress To End The NASA Shutdown Read more: slate/blogs/browbeat/2013/10/01/gravity_trailer_mashup_government_shutdown_hits_nasa_video.html slate/articles/news_and_politics/slate_labs/2013/10/federal_government_shutdown_agencies_with_the_most_furloughs.html #Penny4NASA #SaveNASA #NASA #Gravity #GovernmentShutdown
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 01:41:00 +0000

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