From Peter Iiskola: Russia will use its 2015 presidency of the - TopicsExpress


From Peter Iiskola: Russia will use its 2015 presidency of the BRICS to enhance the role of the organization in the world. BRICS control almost 40 % of the GDP/PPP in the world. That is more than USA and EU together. The BRICS-countries are Brazil, China, India, Russia and Souht Africa. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per purchasing power parity (PPP) of the whole world is slightly more than $100 Trillion. BRICS is the largest organization with $37.4 Trillion, while that of the G7 is only $34.5 Trillion. China alone with $18 Trillion outnumbers both USA and EU, which have $17 Trillion each. This year, Russia will host the BRICS summit. Meeting of the leaders of the five countries will be held in July in the capital of Bashkortostan Ufa. Putin wrote in a New Years letter to South African President Jacob Zuma saying that the role of BRICS must be further developed. Putin said in a letter to Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff that the impact of the chairmanship of Brazilia in the BRICS has led to the fact that last year was very intense and fruitful for Russian-Brazilian strategic partnership. Last November the Heads of State of the BRICS-countries said that sanctions against Russia are illegal and contrary to the interests of economic development. They all said that the sanctions are illegal, they violate the UN Charter and hinder economic recovery, said Kremlin spokesman. The establishment of the BRICS Bank of Development and conditional pool of foreign exchange reserves will help BRICS stabilize the national capital markets in a global economic crisis. The total volume of capital of own financial BRICS-institutions is $ 200 Billion. The bank may allow credits to the development of members. According to Putin, the cooperation of five countries in the field of industry and technology becomes more efficient. New joint projects are planned in the energy, mining and mineral processing, agro-industry and high-tech. We stand with the common positions on issues of international information security, exchange of experience in solving critical social problems of health, education and science, says Putin. The BRICS summit in Ufs will be the second chaired by Russia. The first (then in the BRIC format) was held in 2009 in Yekaterinburg.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 08:04:48 +0000

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