[From Quit Whining and Grow Up - No One Cares If You Are Offended: - TopicsExpress


[From Quit Whining and Grow Up - No One Cares If You Are Offended: Due for release in Jan 2015] - Well, yippee. The GOP dominated House of Representative (ruled by the lesser of the two evils we elected), just passed a 1.1 trillion dollar spending bill (to be withdrawn from a pay check / bank account near you) which fully funds (you guessed it) both Obamacare and Amnesty. You know, they had to avoid the shut down ... You can read the story here: foxnews/politics/2014/12/12/house-gop-leaders-delay-vote-on-spending-bill-scramble-for-support/ Heres the problem. The GOP is LYING to us (yeah thats right, the guys we all voted for) It’s a government slowdown, not a shutdown. Via a complicit media, both parties in both houses are willfully deceiving the American people. News media commonly warns that a “government shutdown” will result if there’s a breakdown in funding negotiations between Democratic and Republican politicians. But there is no pending “government shutdown.” Nor has there ever been anything close to a “government shutdown” in modern American history. A government slowdown merely reduces spending to the level of taxes collected. In other words, it balances the budget. And that’s bad — why? The term “government shutdown” is designed to scare people into thinking there can be no police protection, military defense, road repairs, or other essential services unless Americans cough up more money to fund the ludicrously over-funded federal government. This is a manipulation and a lie. Let’s review what happened during the 16-day government slowdown of October 2013: >Not a single emergency service was suspended. >Politicians gave full back pay to 100 percent of government employees who they had furloughed immediately after the slowdown ended. It amounted to a free vacation for government employees (who already get, on average, far more generous personal, sick, and vacation time than private-sector employees). >Despite claims that the U.S. economy would lose $24 billion, it suffered no loss, only a shift in where money was spent. >Police and firemen continued to respond to 911 calls >Social security and welfare checks continued to go out >People,on medicare still got to see their doctors >Hospitals remained open >Clean water continued to flow from your tap >Gas stations continued to pump gas >Grocery stores stayed open >Military families got their checks and benefits >Planned Parenthood still handed out free birth control >Universities continued tofill young minds with Marxist rhetoric >When the slowdown ended, Democratic and Republican politicians raised federal spending and government debt — again. A government hat seizes 40% or more of the fruits of the labor of the citizenry in order to fund social welfare programs and invasive regulations never enumerated to it in the constitution was NEVER the Founding Fathers intent. It is rather a false (and dangerous) construct of a pliant and disenfranchised citizenry all too happy to trade liberty for subsidy, and vote itself money from other peoples coffers. I believe the federal government should be limited to protecting American lives, liberty, and property. How about we start by removing all the government regulatory agencues that prohibit or impair free market alternatives to health care, education, finance, communications, housing, manufacturing, agriculture, and virtually every market where it improperly intervenes. This will allow Americans to enjoy high-quality, competitively-priced goods and services A Constitutionally limited, non-intrusive, small, lean, accountable federal government with a strong military defense would cost no more than a few hundred billion dollars — about 10 percent of current spending levels, This would stop mass surveillance, inflation, destructive foreign wars, laws that disarm innocent Americans and other infringements on our rights. Government downsizing would end mounds of wasteful red tape and bureaucracy, allowing American businesses to thrive in a competitive world market. Transferring wealth out of the government sector and into the private sector would create roughly twice as many productive jobs as the number of government jobs lost (a win for both government employees and the millions of unemployed Americans looking for jobs) What we should really fear is that, despite the grandstanding nonsense we hear over a phony ‘shutdown,’ the government will stay big and continue to grow, But make no mistake: As long as fear of the democrat party has us voting for democrats with a (R) after their name the size, intrusiveness, and crippling economic expense of funding a nanny state government will continue to grow, along with the power of those in congress who profit and gain power from it, and our rights, freedoms, and prosperity will continue to dwindle accordingly - until freedom is no more than a story we tell our grandchildren about over our government issued meals. We have the GOP (Liberals) we elected on ourselves. Anybody else wondering if we REALLY did the right thing? PS: If anyone enjoys networking with fellow conservatives, shoot me a friend request - Chris Martineau Author If you enjoyed this post :) please share it :) If you enjoy reading conservative opinion pieces (or have anyone on your holiday gift list who does) – please pick up a copy of my book: “Right Jabs to the Left Wing – Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lunacy”
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 13:44:26 +0000

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