From Restore America: Call to Prayer Likewise reckon ye - TopicsExpress


From Restore America: Call to Prayer Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our LORD. Romans 6:11 Dead Or Alive In bondage to fear, or set free to live? October 20, 2013 Dear Friend, One of the great challenges in life is to understand who we are and what we have in Christ. That is what the Gospel is all about. Without that understanding, both individuals and nations are like the proverbial ship without a rudder. For those who have surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ as LORD, and been taught by the Spirit through the eternal Word of God, what we have in Christ should be clear, but for millions who have placed their faith in Him, and not been taught, it is not clear. Set At liberty The Apostle Paul wrote in the sixth chapter of his letter to the Christians in Rome that when Christ died on our behalf, He destroyed Satans power to keep us in bondage to the fear of death, a disabling and confidence destroying weight which, if not laid aside (Hebrews 12:1-3), paralyzes and binds us in fear of fully entrusting our lives and service to Him. But He did something else as well. He delivered us from being subject to the fear of death. He not only destroyed Satans power to keep us in bondage to fear, He delivered us from the lie of Satan that we still have to live in fear. As Martin Luther King proclaimed at the Washington Mall, Free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last! Through Christs death on the Cross, we are Free at last! with the power to LIVE, fully free from Satans power over us through deception and lies. Christ set us at liberty to truly live a life of courage, and joy, knowing the peace of God and His daily presence and power in our lives. That freedom from fear was what enabled young David to challenge his brothers, and step forward confidently and courageously to take down the Philistine; what enabled Daniel, Shadrach Meshach and Abednego to face fire and lions, and all those who are listed in Hebrews 11, the great Hall of faith. Understanding, and embracing this truth makes all the difference in how we live our lives, whether in sadness, depression, and defeat, or joyfully and exuberantly confident... in Him in us, the hope of Glory. And it is key to stepping forth in faith to Restore Oregon, and the nation, Under God. Have you, by faith, placed your full faith and trust in Christ, and ALL that He has done for you? Eternal Father and the only true God, we are thankful that You spoke to and through Your disciples that we might not be ignorant of these truths, truths that deliver and set us free to be at peace, to walk with You as beloved children, as courageous lights in a dark world. Abide with us in your mercy. Move upon our hearts to speak freely and often of You to our neighbors and those to whom You send us to minister hope and life in You. Move us to renewed faith in all that You have done and wish to do through us. We ask these things in Christs Name and His alone. Amen
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 00:22:01 +0000

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