From Robyn Christine with our comment posted below hers - Zoran - TopicsExpress


From Robyn Christine with our comment posted below hers - Zoran Sunjic added 3 new photos. ONE RING to rule them all... 1st Photo: i994.photobucket/albums/af70/ILoveCasperTheGhost/RobynCristine6_zpscafcd375.jpg 2nd Photo: i994.photobucket/albums/af70/ILoveCasperTheGhost/RobynCristine4_zps9214b6ee.jpg 3rd Photo: i994.photobucket/albums/af70/ILoveCasperTheGhost/RobynCristine5_zps1306707e.jpg SUN and SATURN Sun - Saturn is a principle of relation between exoteric and esoteric perception or programming to get us in line or to a-line us in direction of their will. One is a carrot, the other is a stick. Both are illusions. Light, shadow... etc. It is basically there to distract us from our own here and now place and moment, our earthly nowness... Saturn molding the inner, Sun molding the outer, while they all mine for gold in our pine cone - shaping our consciousness, or the way we see. CORONA and CHRONOS Now the crown momentum. The crown is a means of manipulation, a technique in manor look how many are following me, see me spinning them around my finger or on the other hand flashing light to blind you not to see the truth or hiding the truth in the dark. So crown and the cross, or compass and ruler are the tools to spin you, squeeze you, delude, seduce, distract, misinform and confuse you while on the other side impose you the rules and roads you must follow to correct your mistakes while spinning around. One is ratio and the other is irratio. One is axis, the other is spin. One is Male aspect, the other is female. Both need to be represented as in a chess game - one is black (bad) the other is white (good) - both kings who rule and spin the time and space. It is also interesting to observe the role of two colors present so often in our culture - BLACK (death) and AMBER (birth). The only difference between Saturn and Sun is hidden in these 3 letters which form a word RAT - not so popular animal on any board, cause it causes so much damage and tends to leave just before the ship is about to sink. On the other hand it is called ART of shaping the souls... Whether you take them as RATs or ARTists, it is up to you. After all it is the matter of perspective. Same perspective they molded and poured into you and you allowed it. Link: https://facebook/robyn.christine.12/media_set?set=a.10202016981498565.1073741844.1606871081&type=1&comment_id=10204400028193243&offset=0&total_comments=45¬if_t=photo_album_reply and https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10152303654356813&set=pcb.10152303694961813&type=1 ------------------------------------------- Arthur Cristian Ssssssssuuuuuunnnnnn at the beginning of - S-un Refer to this post for more on Sssssss https://facebook/arthurcristian/posts/10205281250098855 Also, notice the un in Sun Sssssss and un un = opposite of / contrary to, etc = Illuminated Light being made out to be truth, that being a lie reversed into truth (light or sun-light) un is also the global power base infrastructure of the lie (Satanism/Freemasonry - explanation/instruction/education) created to govern-over truth (MAN - the light of MAN created through direct-sensory-experience) Also, nu is un reversed ----------------------------------------------------- nu thefreedictionary/nu nu (n, ny) (n, ny) n. The 13th letter of the Greek alphabet. S from Greek, of Semitic origin; compare nun²] Note: nu is the 13th letter of the Greek alphabet nu (njuː) n1. (Letters of the Alphabet (Foreign)) the 13th letter in the Greek alphabet (Ν, ν), a consonant, transliterated as n[from Greek, of Semitic origin; compare nun²] nu the internet domain name for - 1. (Computer Science) Niue Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003 -------- nu (nu, nyu) n., pl. nus. the 13th letter of the Greek alphabet (Ν, ν). [1885–90; < Greek nû < Semitic] ------------------------------------------------------------------- un thefreedictionary/un un- 1 pref.1. Not: unhappy. 2. Opposite of; contrary to: unrest.[Middle English, from Old English; see ne in Indo-European roots.]Usage Note: The negative prefix un- attaches chiefly to adjectives (unable, unclean, unequal, unripe, unsafe) and participles used as adjectives (unfeeling, unflinching, unfinished, unsaid), and less frequently to nouns (unbelief, unconcern, unrest). Sometimes the noun form of an adjective with the un- prefix has the prefix in-, as in inability, inequality, injustice, and instability. A few stems appear with both prefixes with distinctions of meaning. Inhuman means brutal, monstrous, while unhuman means not of human form, superhuman. · When used with adjectives, un- often has a sense distinct from that of non-. Non- picks out the set of things that are not in the category denoted by the stem to which it is attached, whereas un- picks out properties unlike those of the typical examples of the category. Thus nonmilitary personnel are those who are not members of the military, whereas someone who is unmilitary is unlike a typical soldier in dress, habits, or attitudes. un- 2pref. 1. To reverse or undo the result of a specified action: unbind. 2. a. To deprive of or remove a specified thing: unfrock. b. To release, free, or remove from: unyoke. 3. Used as an intensive: unloose.[Middle English, from Old English on-, alteration (influenced by un-, not) of ond-, and-, an-, against, opposing; see ant- in Indo-European roots.] The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. un-prefix 1. (freely used with adjectives, participles, and their derivative adverbs and nouns: less frequently used with certain other nouns) not; contrary to; opposite of: uncertain; uncomplaining; unemotionally; untidiness; unbelief; unrest; untruth. [from Old English on-, un-; related to Gothic on-, German un-, Latin in-]un-prefix forming verbs and verbal derivatives 1. denoting reversal of an action or state: uncover; untangle. 2. denoting removal from, release, or deprivation: unharness; unman; unthrone. 3. (intensifier): unloose. [from Old English un-, on-; related to Gothic and-, German ent-, Latin ante] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003 un or un (ən) pron. Dial. one: young uns; Hes a bad un. [1805–15] UN or U.N., United Nations. un-1 , a prefix meaning “not,” freely used as an English formative, giving negative or opposite force in adjectives and their derivative adverbs and nouns (unfair; unfairly; unfairness; unfelt; unseen; unfitting; unformed; unheard-of; un-get-at-able), and less freely used in certain other nouns (unrest; unemployment). [Middle English un-, on-, Old English; c. Dutch on-, German un-; akin to Latin in-, Greek an-,a-. See a-6, an-1, in-3] un-2 , a prefix freely used in English to form verbs expressing a reversal of some action or state, or removal, deprivation, release, etc. (unbend; uncork; unfasten; etc.), or to intensify the force of a verb already having such a meaning (unloose). [Middle English, Old English un-, on-; c. Dutch ont-=, German ent-; akin to Latin ante, Greek anti; compare ante-, anti-] ------------------------------------------------------- IT IS ALL IN PLAIN SIGHT WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON - WHAT SATANIC/FREEMASONIC INTENTIONS ARE. :) Link:
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 09:26:50 +0000

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