From Roni Cellio Adkins: I told this ignorant woman that I was - TopicsExpress


From Roni Cellio Adkins: I told this ignorant woman that I was going to put a picture of her FAT ASS on Facebook, and here it is! Please SHARE, especially if you’re in the Cincinnati area. I stopped in Kroger on Ferguson on my way home from work today. Walking into the store, I hear a dog barking, barking, barking… I look around and see a small dog in a pickup truck parked in the closest Handicap space, the window is down about an inch, maybe, and the dog is barking non-stop. I wait around for minute, and don’t see anyone, and then go inside thinking I’m going to tell the security guy when I get in there. I look around, no cop on duty, fifteen people in line at the service desk. I go back out, still nobody near the truck, dog still barking. I go back in & start my shopping, and can hear the dog barking from the produce department. After a few minutes, I hear an announcement asking the owner of the green pickup parked in front of the store to please come to the service desk. I walked a few feet over there and saw an older gentleman with his cell phone out, talking to the store employee. I asked if that was the truck with the dog in it and they said it was. We talked for a minute about how unbelievable it was that someone would leave an animal in a car on such a hot day, and how long and incessantly the poor little thing had been barking. He said he was going to call the Hamilton County SPCA , and went out to write down the license plate number. I went out, too, and took a picture of the plate. The dog had stopped barking, and was huddled on the floor behind the passenger seat, panting heavily, and looking terrified. I took the dog’s picture, Googled the phone number of the SPCA for the man, and went back to my shopping. While I was in the store for the next (?) forty minutes, Kroger associates paged five or six times for the owner of that green Ford pickup parked in the Handicap space to please come up. Apparently no response. As I’m at the checkout, I see this fine piece of work, along with two tween girls, loading groceries into the truck, and I hopehopehope she’s still there when I get out the door. She was, and I pulled out my phone and took her pic, and then another one. She looks right at me. Of course I felt that I owed her an explanation, so I walked over and told her that I was putting a picture of her FAT ASS and the pickup truck on Facebook. I said, “What’s wrong with you? That poor little dog was barking itself silly.” She rolled her eyes and responded, “Oh, he always does that.” I said, “It’s 90 f**king degrees!!!” She started to say something, and I put my hand up, to make sure she understood that this was only going to be a one-sided conversation, and I was the one talking. As I turned to walk to my car, I saw the older gentleman standing right there, trying to convince whoever was on the other end of the phone call that something should still be done, even though the vehicle was no longer unattended. I was surprised to see a cluster of Kroger employees in the doorway, watching, one of them urging me to not let her leave. I said that I couldn’t stop her from leaving, but I could post all this on Facebook. As I start walking past her toward my car, the woman yells something unintelligible about how she should call (?) [somebody] because I shouldn’t be allowed to talk to her like that. I repeated myself: “90 EFFING DEGREES. GO AHEAD. CALL THE COPS. I’LL WAIT.” She chose to finish cramming stuff in the truck and leave. I am posting this as promised, so that everyone can see what ignorant looks like. Please SHARE! I am hoping that maybe some law enforcement person will see it and maybe check to see if there is a Handicap Parking Permit associated with this vehicle. For some strange reason, I doubt it. Neither she or anyone with her today had a visible disability, and no tag on the license plate. I’m betting there was no hang tag on the mirror, but at the time, it didn’t occur to me to look. Someone with such a lack of concern for their own dog, would probably have a similar disrespect for the person that parking space was intended for.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 03:10:20 +0000

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