From Sadi Broncho: Statement from the Lubicon Lake Nation on: - TopicsExpress


From Sadi Broncho: Statement from the Lubicon Lake Nation on: Operation “Frack Off ”: Penn West Petroleum Ltd. Eviction In light of Operation“Frack Off ” : the Penn West eviction which began 3 days ago, the Lubicon Lake Nation would like to tell you about our experience with the Alberta Government’s version of“Consultation” Following a meeting on November 19, 2012, just over a year ago, the Government of the Lubicon Lake Nation met with Aboriginal Affairs Minister Robin Campbell to provide a response to his “Discussion Paper” on Consultation Chief Ominayak reminded the Minister that the Canadian and Albertan government had still failed to meet their obligations to the Lubicon in the form of Treaty as required by Canadian and International Law Chief Ominayak advised the Minister on behalf of Alberta, that the Alberta version of Consultation would not be enough for the Lubicon, that we were under no obligation to share our resources without a fair and proper settlement, and that effective immediately, our free prior and informed consent would be necessary before any further development occurred on Lubicon land On January 16, 2013 the Lubicon Lake Nation took to the oilfield roads in our territory. Traffic was restricted to single lanes and information about our history and legal standing was provided to workers and visitors to our territory. At that time Chief Ominayak said“It’s time for industry [and government] to recognize that we are awake and we’re not going to let this type of exploitation continue around us without serious changes.” The Governments of Canada and Alberta responded to our strong challenge on consultation. Through an Indian Affairs agent they attempted to unilaterally re-write our governing documents, change our election code and redesign our membership list. After doing so, less than a month later they held a fake“election” in a neighboring First Nation and advised us that our leadership had been changed. Within 3 days, the provincial register of Consultation Contacts to reflect the puppet regime, and then gave verbal direction to all industry in our territory to only discuss development with this Indian Act styled“Band Council” and to restrict economic development to local Lubicon people. On May 30, 2013 the people of the Lubicon Lake Nation showed the Government what happens when their laws are followed, it resulted in the unanimous re-election of Chief Ominayak and his Council, with a strong mandate to take a message forward: the Lubicon people are tired of being ignored On November 18, 2013 Lubicon citizens found Penn West Petroleum Ltd. clearing an access road and lease for drilling and fracking in Lubicon territory, near one of their sacred lakes, home to an ancient Lubicon community which is still inhabited today. The Lubicon requested a dialogue with the company, who refused and offered only the position that work would continue regardless of what the Lubicon thought about it. Photo: Colin O’Connor/Greenpeace from Briar Patch article briarpatchmagazine/articles/view/awaiting-justice
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 05:36:36 +0000

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