From Sara King aka Sarai Eilat So, in all I find the FBI , CIA , - TopicsExpress


From Sara King aka Sarai Eilat So, in all I find the FBI , CIA , NSA , Homeland Security which I refer to as Obamas SS and every law Enforcement Agency in AMERICA , GUILTY OF TREASON FOR NOT UPHOLDING THEIR SACRED OATH IN DEFENDING OUR NATION FROM THE BIGGEST TERRORIST WHO SOME SHAMEFULLY CALL president ! Every American soldier, and every elected or appointed office holder in America takes a solemn oath to protect and defend The Constitution against ALL ENEMIES, both foreign and domestic. Based on their outlaw behavior, we have several elected and appointed officials in the Obama Administration who are NOT upholding their oath of office, and are in fact violating The Constitution on a weekly basis. Unfortunately, many of our universities have been actively bombarding students with Marxist Communist ideology for over 50 years. Much to my dismay, Communism has finally made its way into The White House and into all branches of our government. Thus we now have transformed interpretations of our founding documents and diametrically opposed elucidations of the fundamental principles and values that have defined our nation since 1776. Obama and his lawless regime constantly defile our Constitution, thus our president is a domestic enemy of the United States of America. The Senate under Harry Reid’s non-leadership, hasn’t passed a budget during the entire five and a half years that Obama has been president, thus Harry Reid is a domestic enemy of our nation as well. Every Member of The Senate and The House should be impeached and replaced with newly elected officials, to make a fresh start. The vast majority of these so-called political elites are not doing the jobs we elected them to do; they’re merely protecting themselves to ensure re-election and the longevity of their own political power. Politics and governing is NOT rocket science. Politics and governing is simple and it hasnt changed since Plato first wrote about it 2400 years ago in ancient Greece. If politics and governing is complex today it is because we have allowed it to become unnecessarily so. Politics and governing is about who gets what, when and how. But that undergirding dynamic does not mean giving parasites a lifetime of entitlement, by stealing and redistributing the hard earned money of contributing citizens. The government’s primary purpose is to protect individual liberty and provide national security. All of you freeloading, entitlement bloodsuckers should realize that when you suck the host organism dry, you die as well. Socialism NEVER WORKS, because eventually you run out of other people’s money. Our country is in dire jeopardy of collapse, and is quickly running out of time to be saved. We must protect The Constitution and our nation against the current assault, and it is our obligation as patriots to do so. The Declaration of Independence states that when government becomes destructive of the people’s right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, that it is the people’s duty to alter or abolish that governing apparatus and to institute a new government that will be protective of those unalienable rights. Unlike General Motors, America is NOT too big to fail, and I believe that we are currently living in pre-revolutionary times. The only ones capable of bailing us out are the good, productive citizens of America after they wake up and do the right thing and stop this madness. I believe that an Article 5 Convention of the States will eventual happen, and it’s a great vehicle from which to begin our national healing process. Speak the Truth
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 16:35:00 +0000

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