From Sarai Eilat . MY FELLOW AMERICANS It was Ronald Reagan by - TopicsExpress


From Sarai Eilat . MY FELLOW AMERICANS It was Ronald Reagan by refusing to grant the Soviet Union and Communism - RESPECT when he stated -The Soviet Union was an evil empire and YOU ARE NOT US – that lead directly to the defeat and collapse of this very evil empire. You must follow Reagan’s example and show Islam – no respect but treat it with the distain that this evil ideology of slavery, rape, brutality, extermination, terror, torture, looting and murder deserves. This means declaring that Islam is not a religion and we are no longer prepared to accept it as a religion. You must declare that we reject Islam, the Quran and Muhammad. YOU ARE NOT US - that there is absolutely no moral equivalency between Christianity/Judaism and Islam. When the leaders of all the world’s religions and its political leaders stand up against this evil as Reagan stood against the evil empire, refuse to be cowed by political correctness, this will be the start of the liberation of Muslims from the evil of Islam. The story of the Second World War was not only the liberation of occupied Europe from Nazism but the liberation of the German people. The story of our victory over the Soviet Union was the liberation of the Soviet peoples from Communism. The story of standing against Islam will be the liberation of 1.6 billion Muslims from the clutches of allah by turning them to the teachings of peace and love, mercy and goodness of a God of Moral Perfection. When you are a politician, or part of the media/intellectual elite, you are in a position of power to fight evil. If instead, you acquiesce to the evil of Islam and indeed facilitate the spread of this evil by granting it legitimacy and protecting it from intellectual examination by condemning those that do as racist, bigots not only have these elites coated themselves in evil and become accomplices to the very great acts of Muslim terrorist carnage plaguing the world and in many respects just as evil if not more evil than the Muslims committing these acts of slaughter but are creating a future whereby our children will be faced with the dire choice of surrendering to Islam or civil war in the streets with troops fighting for freedom and democracy right in our own cities. We can no longer allow Muslims to declare Islam as a religion of peace and love etc. while leaving in the Quran and Islamic texts evil teachings calling for the destruction of kafirs. We can no longer allow these Muslims to live in a fantasy world of an Allah of all goodness and Muhammad – the prophet of peace while the Quran contains 4,000 fascist teachings of a hateful, murderous Allah (the AntiGod). By demanding that Muslims prove that they are truly good, peace loving, people – by renouncing these evil teachings and demanding that they be removed from the Quran, condemning their evil founder Muhammad and his bogus Allah and leaving Islam will be THEIR TRUE MOMENT OF CATHARSIS. THE MOMENT THEY SAVE THEIR IMMORAL SOULS. By leaving these violent and abhorrent teachings in the Quran, Muslims are in effect saying that these teachings are NORMAL. They are acquiescing to evil. Once you accommodate evil, you lose your moral center and become willingly or unwillingly an accomplice to evil. You cannot call yourself a good Muslim – a moderate Muslim - pray 5 times a day etc. – and ignore the evil – the moral black hole that lies at very the heart of Islam. You cannot call yourself a good person and refuse to condemn the violence of the Quran and demand that evil be expunged from this very evil book. By not fighting against the evil in the Quran and abandoning Islam, Muslims become accomplices in these very great acts of terrorist carnage and in many respects just as evil if not more evil than the Muslim men committing these acts of slaughter. THEY ALSO SERVE WHO ONLY STAND AND WATCH. (Again, as will be shown in the book, once a Muslim refuses to accept just one word of the Quran then he is no longer a Muslim but an apostate of Islam and must be killed. Therefore, there are no moderate Muslims because in order to be a moderate Muslim you must declare that the Quran is not the word of God and reject 4,000 teachings of the Quran meaning you are an apostate of Islam and therefore no longer a Muslim.) Today, Western Civilization is under assault not only from Islam but also from it’s own political, religious, intellectual, media elites who are demonizing Christianity, Judaism, in an attempt to expunge all vestiges of what made the West – the West from our free societies and allying themselves with this very great evil. They are coating themselves in this evil and driving the Islamization of the West. These elites in an unholy alliance with Muslims are utilizing the Rule of Law to impose Islam and Sharia Law as the Rule of Law. The stark choice before you is either submit to allah and sacrifice your immoral soul and the very essence of your being or fight for freedom and democracy. Evil is a force like dark matter – you cannot see dark matter that comprises some 90% of the universe but scientists know this matter exists. Evil exists and like a hungry beast in order to survive evil needs evil to feed on. Islam is the hungry, evil beast. If Islam conquers the West, a new Dark Age of barbarism will descent upon mankind from which humanity will never emerge. Cranes will be brought into Western city centers to publicly hang adulators. Murder, slaughter, torture will become the rule of law. Slavery will become a multi-national business. Women will be brutalized and lose their humanity. The light will be extinguished on the human race forever. Ignorance is not an option and definitely no excuse. WE MUST REJECT ISLAM WITHOUT EQUIVOCATION JUST AS OUR FATHERS REJECTED HITLER AND NAZISM WITHOUT EQUIVOCATION. NOTHING LESS THAN THE SURVIVAL OF OUR FREE SOCIETY AND OUR SURVIVAL AS A SPECIES IS AT STAKE
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 11:55:40 +0000

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