From Sharon Hanek, aka Research Mom: Initiative 522 is titled the - TopicsExpress


From Sharon Hanek, aka Research Mom: Initiative 522 is titled the GMO initiative. Many of the arguments regarding this have centered around two major points: (1) How bad GMO is and (2) to label or not to label. As I read the initiative I am reminded of many other bills/initiatives that I have read over the past ten years. Often there will be a bill that is 80% – 90% good, with good motives and good intentions. The 10%-20% that is bad can be mildly “bad” or can be a major problem. The “Delphi technique” is often used in politics to embed into the bill a major infrastructure or delivery system change. I believe that we may have this issue of a new delivery system and infrastructure of controlling food products in Washington State as a backdoor motive to Initiative 522. Many good voters that truly care about GMO and disclosure of food products may be choosing to vote no simply because they feel that this new infrastructure of delivering food has too many unknowns of what our future will look like. In discussion with Republican groups, they feel that although we do desire proper disclosures and we do NOT support GMO, the other aspects of this initiative are very poorly written. We are being told that I-522 is a Washington bill. Yet the Arizona initiative I-01-2014 is almost identical to the “locally written” Washington State version. Also I find that when national groups such as get involved this usually is an indicator that this is a national movement trying to make Washington State the first state to promote their national plan. If this is a national movement then there should be a website and I did find that website – The national website is funded by the Tides Foundation. (Tides funds the radical progressive movement and goals are for “social change”) Now let us look at the actual words in the I-522 that concerned me - Section 3 (f) states three things that lead me to believe the ultimate rule making authority will be beyond the U.S. jurisdiction and into the international realm. 1) Brings in International Standards Organizations as a measurement organization 2) Brings in the Grain and Feed Trade Association as a measurement organization (London based) gafta/ 3) Brings in guidelines that are from Codex Alimentarius - a WHO and UN organization funded by Gro Harlem Brundtland. Gro Harlem Brundtland report is the basis for Agenda 21. Finally I have concerns over putting the Department of Health having full rule making, regulatory, and penalty making authority over a business labeling food products (Section 4) In the past businesses have voluntarily entered into label contracts but this will place a $1000 a day civil penalty against any “person” violating this chapter (Section 5). Keep in mind that it is under the disguise of “health” that the HB2370 (year 2011) was attempting to make ALL transportation decisions conform to “health” regulations. Had this bill passed then we could be making all transportation decision to favor walking, bike paths, slower speed limits (high speeds kill people), zero tolerance accidents, and the health of the planet under a partnership with the Department of Health. If written properly and if written for local Washington State, I-522 could have been a simple issue that could have had wide appeal. When the globalists get involved to manipulate Washington State citizens confusion and chaos will happen. We should not allow someone else’s position on I-522 or the major donors of the initiative to persuade us, but we should vote on the merits of the words and impact of the system it will create in Washington State. There could be strategic games being played by endorsers and donors to manipulate our votes. Complete Text of Initiative 522 Website on I-522 For and Against yeson522/ votenoon522/
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 15:58:56 +0000

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